Thread: House of Kolor
09-21-2005 09:17 PM #31
I love my Sata's got a Rp, a nr95, and a nr2000. use them all the time and love them, and have to say that i don't see me switching to anything else... and if your serious about getting tools let me know i can send a catalog,, I can get you basically just about anything you can think of,, as long as it is not titled as snap-on, mac, matco, cornwell... but most of that stuff is made by other people anyways... but do carry just about everything,, just started listing and have much more to do.
but anyways if your serious i'm sure i can save you some cash...CHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
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09-21-2005 10:43 PM #32
Ok Mopar sounds good man. Yeah I am pushing towards a nice SATA or Devilbiss. Only places here to buy guns is from Car Quest and to me they are good but it's just like another Auto Zone place but with auto body stuff. They need a good auto body store around here with good professional tools, paint, etc and then they need a good custom upholstery shop too. Those two things and there would be almost enough places here to get all the parts I need instead of over the net. If someone started a custom upholstery and auto body store up here they would make HEAPS of money! If I had the money and were older, heck I would jump all over that. But yeah anyways a cataloge would be awsome if you got
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
09-22-2005 06:30 AM #33
Funny you say upholstery, I've got a guy that I have working at my body shop, and we've been talkin about adding upholstery, not advertising, but we have a few rides here that need it and he knows how,, just got to find the time,, but yeah if you would like a catalog pm me with your address.CHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
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09-24-2005 09:03 AM #34
Originally posted by FMXhellraiser
Ok Mopar sounds good man. Yeah I am pushing towards a nice SATA or Devilbiss. Only places here to buy guns is from Car Quest and to me they are good but it's just like another Auto Zone place but with auto body stuff. They need a good auto body store around here with good professional tools, paint, etc and then they need a good custom upholstery shop too. Those two things and there would be almost enough places here to get all the parts I need instead of over the net. If someone started a custom upholstery and auto body store up here they would make HEAPS of money! If I had the money and were older, heck I would jump all over that. But yeah anyways a cataloge would be awsome if you got one.
Not all guns spray the same , its why I have so many.
You need to demo several , and make a choice this way, as what works for one guy may not work for you !
I use Accusprays for an all around gun , an Iwata LVLP 400 for just clearing .
Have a mattson for big trucks and stuff for single stage .
There are many choices , And I use a sharpe for a primer gun , never liked them much for anything else , SATAs are excellent guns too , but I dont care for them either , but some guys love them . What feels and sprays good in one guys hands may feel and spray like crap in another .
Not every guy has the same spray techniques !
Thats the point I am making , you need to find a gun that you are confidant in , and gives excellent results every time for YOU !
P.S. Not Dissin' on anyones gun choices , just trying to give some advice .
09-25-2005 12:46 PM #35
I understand Spray. Thanks for the info. I dont know anyone here that paints or that are into hot rods so I have no choice but to just buy one. I guess if I buy it and dont like it then oh well I have no choice but to just use it and then maybe years later I will have enough money to buy another gun and have a few of them and use whichever one that sprays best with whatever
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
09-25-2005 01:01 PM #36
I have a feeling that you'll end up liking and getting used to whatever you buy, once you start using it over and over again you'll get used to it,, then when you try something else it will seem but will be easier to switch after you have some spray time behind your beltCHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
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