Thread: House of Kolor
09-19-2005 10:49 PM #1
House of Kolor
Well I finaly decided on a color HOK UK08 candy tangerien with BC02 orion silver base coat. The plan so far is to do the jams and fender mounting points then hange the doors then shoot the body and the fenders, grille and hood sepperate. The engine compartment will be black or black pearl? I'm thinking I'll do the black first then the kandy. This will be my first paint job,I do have some local help. Any help or tips will be greatly appreciated Thanks Dave pics
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09-19-2005 10:55 PM #2
If this is your first paint job the best advice i can give you is don't use candy.. every coat changes the color, and if you run it, it will be much darker where the run is and the only way to fix would be to sand it all off and start over.. and paint it until it's right.. also if you're painting it apart and have more kandy on one panel compared to the next it will be a different color. also HOK tends to be more tempermental that ppg or dupont from what i've experienced.
hope this helps.. good luck..
09-20-2005 01:31 AM #3
What he said........
But if ya gota do it your best chance is to shoot it all put togther.
HOK is not cheap so you might want to buy some small samples of the colors you want and spray some test panles cuz candies and pearls are very tricky to shoot
Allot of things will effect the color..... number of coats,air pressure,gun settings,distance of the gun from the job during a pass....etc.
Coast Airbrush in Anaheim Ca. sells 4oz bottles of HOK you could use to practice practice practice.......
Hope this helps
WOW.... WHAT A RIDE !!!"
09-20-2005 07:22 AM #4
What they said, I have that color with a gold base, If you jam out the the engine compartment and doors the normal way you will have a dark stripe around the areas you jammed out. If you plan on driveing this car, as I do, you will get chips that you cannot touch up , as I also have . However it is a great color and grabs lots of attention. Carlg
09-20-2005 09:18 AM #5
I DO NOT RECCOMEND USING A CANDY.......unless your local help is very very good! If not your car will come out about 15 different shades of the same color!
09-20-2005 11:24 AM #6
Say this guy wanted to still use this color though. What should he do? The door jams and then put it together and spray everything else outside the car? This question will help the both of us I think because I plan to use a color similar to this later down the road on my 48 but it will be that dark purple and by that time I will have sprayed 4 cars/trucks plus a few other things like my golf cart and
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
09-20-2005 11:30 AM #7
I've been custom painting for 40 years, and the thought of shooting a whole car candy is scary to me! If you MUST...I would tell you to use one of the colored base coats, that is near the shade of the ornage, but the better advise would be to use what they call candy basecoats, and keep them well mixed while spraying.
Here is my BEST advise. Look at the new truck colors. They have some killer orange pearls, and they would bee MUCH easier to shoot successfully!
Candies are the coolest, but if you don't get them just right, it will look TERRIBLE!.....and touch ups are even WORSE! (You are going to drive it, right?)
09-20-2005 12:24 PM #8
I agree with HOTRODPAINT look for a candy basecoat. I've been custom painting for 7 years now, not as long as HOTRODPAINT but I still have some hard lessons learned. Those candy style basecoats look so much like an actual candy that you almost can't tell the difference.
Here is my advise for painting with candy's. First make a let down panal I can not stress this enough. Once you have made that you can choose which shade of the color you like the best and practice practice practice.
you can jam the car as normal and then assemble the car for paint. However as said earlier you may have a dark stripe around those areas that were jamed. I saw a car at a show once where they pinstriped the jams where they over laped the candies, it looked pritty good too. That is one way of doing it.
Another more tricky way, is set ALL parts out in order that they go on the car, all side by side and set so you can spray jams edges and all. Then you can start shooting, spraying each part in sequence, spraying in the same direction and watching how many coats of candy you put on, making it so each part flows to the other.
All the avise that everyone has given is true and good, but here is my last bit. If it is truely what you want and you do the job to the best that you can, then drive it and be proud of it. Just rememer, Its only paint and you can change it at any time if you're not happy with it.
That is my avise hope this helps
09-20-2005 01:25 PM #9
yup yup.. i'm with himCHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
Click to check my paint
09-20-2005 01:47 PM #10
Hmm candy basecoats huh? HOTRODPAINT, do you remember that picture of that purple car with the two tone I think it was and the other picture above or below it had the one in blue too. You told me how I would have to get that color by the basecoat, etc. Do you remember what thread that was in? I don't get notices in my email from that thread because I didn't press the subscribe button and CANNOT find it! The other day I looked all over for
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
09-20-2005 02:36 PM #11
FMX, Was it the black pearl base I mentioned?
09-20-2005 02:39 PM #12
I think that may be it. Black or silver. One of the two. It was a sweet looking purple that I want on my 48 and the the pic above or below it had the blue I want for my
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
09-20-2005 02:44 PM #13
Wow, weird. I just typed in purple and found the link. Last time I couldn't find it and nothing came up. Here is the link. Look at that purple and let me know if you have any idea how I can achieve this color. Like can I buy just one coat and do that or do I have to do base coat, then the top color, etc? That is pretty close to what I want and even if it doesn't have that candy look then that is ok. Also what about that blue two tone, how can I get that color?
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
09-20-2005 03:11 PM #14
This one? This would take a black base, then black pearl, then purple candy.
For a similar color, but not as vibrant, use black base, then purple pearl in the first clear coats.
09-20-2005 04:19 PM #15
49WillysSD... Prep the car and get it ALL ready. Cover the interior, engine bay, etc. Spray the basecoat in the doorjambs, hood jamb, inside the gas filler door, etc. Next spray on the color coat and follow that with a thin coat of clear to stabilize the color. Let it dry for a couple of days and assemble the car. Now comes the fun...
Mask the doorjambs, hood jamb, and everything else that you already painted and don't want oversprayed. I do this with lots of 2" masking tape. The jambs have to be 100% covered so that NO overspray can get to them. Now, with the car all assembled and closed up, sand off all the overspray around the door openings, hood seams, fender seams, gas filler door, etc. Now apply your basecoat to the entire exterior. If you find any problems with your prep work or flaws in the bodywork, fix them now and recoat with the basecoat. If you have any spots where you have to remove dirt particles or bugs, etc. you will have to reapply basecoat. After the candy color has been applied it will magnify any flaws and candy colors can not be repaired or spotted in.
If you are happy with everything so far, after applying the basecoat, do not touch the basecoated surface with anything but a tack cloth. Sandpaper or scotchbrite scratches will show through the color and will actually be magnified. If you are satisfied so far apply your candy topcoat. The trick here is to apply it evenly and avoid overspraying any "dry"areas. For example, you cannot spray the fender, then the door, then the rear quarter, etc. because every place you overlap your spray pattern the color will go dark. You have to start at one end of the vehicle and walk the spraygun all the way to the other. Then go back the other way, again the full length of the vehicle. You will find, on a sedan-delivery, that the roof will be the most difficult part. Your spray pattern has to run the full length of the roof - hard to do if you're standing on a stepladder...
You say you have experienced help? One of the best ways to do a job like this is to get two painters with similar or identical spray guns. Load 'em both up (the guns, not the painters) and both painters start spraying at the bottom on opposite sides and meet in the center of the roof. This keeps the entire vehicle wet for each coat. Have the painters switch sides on alternate coats so that both sides get the same amount of paint (no two painters shoot exactly the same).
Finally, apply the clear, all but the very last coat. As soon as possible, carefully open the doors, hood etc. and remove all the masking. Now shoot he final coat of clear finishing up by opening the doors, hood, etc. and giving those areas one last shot while the outside is wet and all will flow together.
Good luck. I had been painting for about ten years befor I attempted an all-over candy job...Jim
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