Thread: Clear coat questions
10-03-2005 08:07 PM #31
Hmmm, a creamy white might not be bad.. i've got a PT Cruiser in the shop right now that's a darker metallic red and were thinking about 2-toning it with a cream color...CHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
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10-03-2005 08:30 PM #32
If I make enough money on this car I will be buying that IR lamp and Thermomter from you too Mopar. Oh and on materials as long as you can barely beat Car Quests prices on the materials then I don't need a good deal on them, as long as your prices are a tad cheaper and free shipping. Also my father said that I should raise the price on the final material price by about 20% or less because that is what he does with his business. He is a contractor and owns his own business, etc and said for me to take my time to look for materials and order them, deliver them, etc that I need to make a little profit from that since it takes time to do it all.... What are your guy's oppinions on this? Last job I did I didn't do this and I felt I wasted time and
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
10-03-2005 08:50 PM #33
Yeah, you have to try and mark everything up.. and you'll always miss things, or foget little things, and everything adds up...
usually what you do is that if you have a vehicle that calls for 20hrs of paint time, you charge for 20hrs at your hourly rate say $40. for easy calculations. that's 800 in paint time.. now what you do to figure materials if figure the 20hrs of paint time and multiply that by $20. so then for a vehicle that pays 20hrs to paint you should charge $400 for materials..
that's how it's set up with the estimating systems... kinda strange but that's how it is.. it usually works out ok, but since im' switching to expensive materials i'm not sure how well it's going to calculate.. and it's hard to change as insurance companies will only pay a certain ammount. so I might end up losing a little on materials on some jobs. which really sucksCHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
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10-03-2005 08:55 PM #34
as far as getting you what you need, I should be able to get you just about everything you need. although. if you decide to go with base clear, it'll be hard to hook ya up on base.. I could prob mix stuff for ya, but i use global and it's costly... you could try the xtreme clear and see how it works, but you might want to search for cheaper base... as far as supplies, sand paper,, masking paper, i should be able to do pretty good for ya on that stuff. especially if your like me and like the mirka.... that stuff has a good price to begin with..CHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
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10-03-2005 11:16 PM #35
Yeah the guy wants just a single stage paint. So for however long that will last I don't know. Any idea on that? Reason I ask is because I will need to warn the guy about this and tell him that it wont last some 5 or 6 years. I am hoping at least 3 years though. Also thanks a lot for the help. Anymore is appreciated if you can just email me like the steps again and any info on sheets I can print out or whatnot to help me stay organized here if you know what I mean. You can get my email on the botton there that says "Email" and it will go straight to me. I don't want to take over this thread anymore than I have already and I apologize for this.
I will get a list of what I need and get back to you within the next 2-5 days
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
10-10-2005 10:56 PM #36
Hey guys, first post here,, been reading for awhile, alot of good information out there, just thought i'd toss some info on the extreme clear out there for the ones that were wondering about it.. The extreme classic clear, i believe it is 5155, is actually manufactured by Dupont and repackaged according to my PPG sales rep,, I've been spraying and building cars at my own shop for quite a while and have no problems with it what-so-ever,, I've used it over all sorts of bases from the lowest line of Omni (PPG), to glasurit, to some of the vibrance collection of colors from ppg,, lays out nice and flat right out of the gun, polishes super easy, and seems to stand up,, lifetime warranty is lifetime warranty, Also there is a new line of clear being marketed under the lesonal line of sikkens dubbed as pro-air,, works real well under low air movement applications such as poorly ventilated cross-drafts, and such,,chop it and drop it
10-10-2005 11:30 PM #37
But my question about that Xtreme stuff is HOW LONG it lasts for... Any idea? I actually need help to find out what single stage paint to use on this job I have. The guy want's a single stage in a cream color. Any kind of cream color or grey even.... Any idea of a good but not some really expensive paint? How long this stuff lasts for?
I am sorry to get off topic
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
10-10-2005 11:38 PM #38
I've used that clear for the last couple of years, no problems as of yet and i've used it on a couple of high end jobs, the mfg, gaurantees it for lifetime against uv and whatnot, if your used to the DC line of clears from dupont, apparently it is the same thing.;.As far as the single stage paint goes,, i've sprayed the MAE from Omni, it is an acrylic enamel so if your not familiar with spraying enamel, practice a bit on something that yu don[t care about,, sprays quite a bit different, takes some gettting used to,, cheap paint for the quality, especially if you're just getting the car out the door and the guy doesn't want to spend the dough,, hopefully this helps. The single stage will hold up pretty good for a few years but like anything else needs to be cared for,, just dont try polishing this stuff, it's marble!!chop it and drop it
10-11-2005 06:20 AM #39
as far as the omni goes i'd use the MAU which is a urethane instead of a enamel, i've used them both and the AU works much much better, and it buffs ok too.... it also dries better too.. as far as the X-treme goes if it's made by Dupont, i'm wondering if it's the same as the nason line... someone's gotta know..CHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
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10-11-2005 04:28 PM #40
Hmm sounds good to me. Thanks guys. I am hoping I will do ok on spraying this car. I have sprayed primer on cars but that's it... How much more different is it spraying the paint?
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
10-12-2005 11:34 PM #41
Well Just sprayed the 894 for the first time... this stuff sprays awesome,, but only one prob,, takes way way way to long to dry between coats.... I'm thinking i'm going to try the 893, i'm just hoping that will dry better, if not i'm not sure what i'm going to go with... but the 894 looks great too. so i'm hoping to get the same product just, quicker dry times... waited like 25min between coats.. that's just way to long... Good thing i didn't put a run in it LOL....
Here's a pic of what she looks like... tell me what you guys think...
10-12-2005 11:38 PM #42
And here's one more pic. for ya.. i'm just sitting here waiting for it to dry well enough to turn the fan off... hahahahaha
10-13-2005 09:58 AM #43
Looks GREAT! Awsome job, I like the idea how you split the two tone up with the design there as
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
10-16-2005 09:34 PM #44
hey thanks for the pos feedback.. hopefully i'll have this one wrapped up this weekCHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
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10-17-2005 06:03 AM #45
What temp are you shooting at?
Some clearcoats have an optional accellerator additive.
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
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