Thread: Clear coat questions
10-17-2005 10:13 AM #46
Shooting at about 70 degrees, I was told the people spraying it are spraying at 80 around here then baking... i spray at 70 and it stay 70... and i did use a little enhancer, but it didn't help much.. although i used very littleCHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
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10-17-2005 07:28 PM #47
I've used transtar clear, kwiq gloss i think, quite a few times and liked it alot. It's 4 to 1 with activator and can be reduced 10% with just about any clear coat reducer.I've seen it left outside on a beat up truck with no wax or anything for 5 years and it still looks really good. Good shine, no dieback or peeling.It buff's great even a week later.With some reducer and a booth it's easy to lay down for a no buff finish or if not in a booth it still sprays great just a little more work but at 85 a gal it's well worth it.I did my wife's honda accord with it and added gold metal flake in the first two coats and put 4 coats on top of that.It covered with ease, sanded and buffed great.That was a year ago and the paint looks great today.hope that helps
10-17-2005 08:22 PM #48
yeah, that's been the clear i've been using for the last what i did is just painted a car with the 894, and did the bumpers with transtar,, and wow can you tell the difference, I never would of realized it, untill now.. it kinda surprised me as I really like the transtar, but right next to the global 894 it doesn't compare.CHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
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10-17-2005 08:27 PM #49
Man I couldnt even think of shooting a car in anything other then a downdraft with heat makeup
After 20 years of using one , man can you shoot some cars ! gotta love the 140 deg. for 30 minutes and let cool for 30 , and cut and buff .
P.S. the Pt looks nice
10-17-2005 08:37 PM #50
thanks.... I don't mind the cross flow, you can still get excellent results.. But I have been looking at some of the down drafts, it's tempting... I don't want the heat make-up though, Don't need to be in that big of a hurry on a paint job, in my opinion.. let it sit all night and go back at it in the morning.. plus I do a lot of overalls so i'm not going to get a whole car together and get it out the door that fast anyways.. I'm just not much for the production settings any more, I worked in a production shop, but all I ever saw was collisions.. I like to play with custom and resto's myself. So for that the heat won't do enough to justify the cost.. but like I said the cleanliness of a downdraft has my attn...CHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
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10-17-2005 08:37 PM #51
Being able to spay in a booth with good heating and bake makes for a really nice job.I do use a lot of dupont but for a quikie transtar works.I happen to really like the look of glasurit ,not sure whats the number, looks very europen. But dupont has 7220, i think, sprayed that on my bike looks awsome.
10-17-2005 08:43 PM #52
I've thought about the Glasurit also but I think i'm going to go with the Global D893 seems to be what i'm looking for.. I like the europeon look myself but as i said i think i'm going to go with the 893.. as far as the transtar goes i'm stilll going to keep it around I've always liked it, but for the higher end resto's and the custom stuff i'm going to go with something better,, I just wish it wasn't so expensiveCHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
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10-17-2005 08:49 PM #53
If you used it and you like it stick with it.Nothing worse then trying to get used to spraying something new.And downdrafts are they way to go if you can.
10-17-2005 10:17 PM #54
But downdrafts are EXPENSIVE! Aren't they? Now say my father built me a room for spray booth, can you just get the fans, filters, etc to make it a down draft or what?
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
10-18-2005 06:13 AM #55
Down draft means exhuast is pulled into the floor through a grated floor. Your father would have to elevate the floor and put your exhaust under it. It would be possible, but, I dont' think you will want to do this in an existing building. best way is to excavate and put it under the floor. Very expensive, our second one cost well over $100,000.
10-18-2005 09:34 AM #56
Yeah that is what I am saying is how it's under the ground.... The one we had in high school was over 100 grand as well. I would never have that kind of money for something like
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
10-18-2005 09:36 AM #57
FMX, just remember, it always comes back to the guy doing the work. Ultimately, that is where the quality lies.
Spending a lot on the booth would only make sense if you were doing a high volume business to offset the expense. If you will only paint a dozen cars, you could pay to have the best available paintwork done on them, and still have money left over, for what some booths cost.
10-18-2005 10:35 AM #58
I guess your right. Yeah I just dont see how I would ever be able to afford a 100,000 dollar spray booth even if I did spray a ton of cars over the
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
10-18-2005 05:03 PM #59
Down drafts have come down to the 25K range today , with out heat makeup .
I have done some excellet work out of my garage , but I still like spraying in a downdraft with heat makeup .
Once its cooked its basically done , no worries of dirt laying on the top , or shutting down the fans to soon and not allowing the gases to evaporate fully for solvent popping, die back , ect .......
Like the old saying goes , anything that can go wrong , usually does go wrong
10-18-2005 05:35 PM #60
Hmm. 25K sounds better. Still a lot but worth it. Heh I still got like years ahead of me to even worry about this though I
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
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