Thread: new 3M gun
10-09-2005 03:14 PM #1
new 3M gun
Has anyone else used 3M's new paint gun/system? They have quite a few innovations in them.
The gun is two separate pieces (paint, and air). You can take off the paint section and only clean that section insted of putting the entire gun in solvent.
The needle tip is made of a bowling ball type material. this allows your orfice in the cap to stay the same size throughout its lifetime. The tip wears out instead of the cap.
Also tips and caps are interchangeable. you don't need a different needle when you switch cap sizes!
The cups are different too. It's a hard plastic cup with soft inserts that the paint goes into. the cap has a built in filter, so there's no filter in the gun to get clogged.
The coolest part about the new cups though, is you can pressurize the cup. turn the cup upside down and spray out your air until paint comes out. now you can spray from any angle and get consistant spray! plus no drips from the venthole to get on your project!
These guns are very cutting edge.
I, however, don't like the guns spraying qualities. I've used SATA for the past few years, and the new gun itself doesn't stand up to mine. But I did get an addapter for my gun so I can still use the cup system on my own gun.
I'm just wondering if anyone else has used these yet, and what their opinion was. I think the cups are great, but gun could use some revisions.
Just passing on some knowledge,
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10-09-2005 04:02 PM #2
Yes I have demoed the HVLP 3M gun , set up with the 1.3 . I liked how it layed base , very fine spray pattern, and is great for blends , but I didnt like the way it layed clear at all .
10-09-2005 09:54 PM #3
I use the liners on my sata's I think they work good... but i'm getting ready to try the ones that Iwata has... there a disposable hard cup... I like that idea better as there like half the price, and you can re-use them if you'd like.. or throw them out.. which ever you prefer... mixing ratio's are also on the cup. it has a valve on the bottom that you can close for paint storage, or open for spraying... i've gotta try them out, seems to be better for me as i can re-use them a few times before I toss them... and if each cup is like half the price I shall safe a few bucks.CHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
Click to check my paint
10-10-2005 05:45 AM #4
I was using the 3M disposable liners at my shop for 2 years , and we got a new boss , and he made me quit using them , and bought the Safety Clean gun cleaner / thinner still, to process our waste , god it sucks .
We run out of thinner all the time , as they said this machine would be all I need and wouldnt need to have a drum of thinner around....LOL
With using the liner system I went through 1 55gal. drum of thinnner a year , now having to clean the whole gun I use way more , and distilling every other day only creates 2 gallons of thinner , and that has to be split between the gun cleaner and new thinner , its more a hassle then anything !
10-17-2005 08:58 PM #5
Ya we had that gun washer, ha ha what a joke that was.I'll Keep those linners any day.
10-17-2005 09:02 PM #6
what's a good solvent recycler to get????????CHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
Click to check my paint
10-17-2005 09:14 PM #7
I would refrain from buying a recycler as they are a pain in the ass to me .
I dont think they are worth their money really , I would like to get rid of the POS we have now , and go back to my old way .
SprayLast edited by SprayTech; 10-17-2005 at 09:16 PM.
10-17-2005 09:32 PM #8
Our's works sometimes (for 15 mins then stop and take an hr to get goin again) but if your you get to use those linners you dont go through a whole lot thinner anyways.But to have someone take the waste away ends up costing alot, it think it costs somewhere around 250 fo 55 gals, around here.
10-18-2005 04:56 PM #9
Even after recycling , you still have to have the waste pucks removed , still a major cost , as you can not toss them in the trash !
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
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