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Thread: Pearl paint???

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  1. #16
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    I agree about the variables. The HOK designer pearls come premixed, so there is a reasonable chance of color match when spot painting repairs.

  2. #17
    DaveMax is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    is there a sight with the house of colors choices and general pricing. I have been to there sight, and couldnt find many color samples. I suck with imagination.

    You guys are being so helpful, i really appreciate it.

  3. #18
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    Pearls and metallics will never show up right on a computer monitor. You would need to go to a local dealer and look at a color chart. You could also see the factory shades at the same time.

  4. #19
    DaveMax is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Will check into that this week,

    I put a pick in the gallery of the color idea i had in mind. but dont know what to call it. I will do a search to find a local dealer. Picture is labeled what is this color?

    wish i could just hand the truck to someone and say call me when done.
    If it doesnt come out right the first time, i can try again next year. and the year after that. I wont let it be seen untill its right. even if it is a driver

  5. #20
    DaveMax is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    sure now i see the button for attaching a photo.
    Attached Images

  6. #21
    shine's Avatar
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    find a red you like, buy a bc/cc set up. the jobber will have powder pearls for tri coat mixes on the shelf. find a color you like and he'ii probly give you a little bit. mix your clear, pour off 1 qrt in a spare can. put 1/2 teaspoon of pearl in this qrt stir it really well. dust this qrt of pearl on the truck first then finish clearing. it will give you a nice pearl effect without breaking you or creating a monster you can repair. it'sw not a tri coat, just an old fashion pearl job. good luck.

  7. #22
    DaveMax is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    sounds like what my supplier had said. he said with the amount of products i am buying he would toss in the pearl for free.
    1/2 tea per quart. I will be painting my interior the same color. I have been thinking about eliminating the pearl under hood and interior.


    Also with the method of reassembly before final. how much time do i have after the truck is painted red, before i start with the clear on the outside.
    I figure if i could paint the inside and under hood and finish them with clear. then put the body back together and shoot the clears on the outside.
    sound ok
    Last edited by DaveMax; 10-23-2005 at 07:36 AM.

  8. #23
    pbodyman's Avatar
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    most of the time i spray everthing together ,except the fenders and trunk lid, so i can open the doors and do the jambs and under hood (all hinges and bolts get painted )then reassemble.But if you havent painted alot this is tricky keeping the clear wet and geting every nook and cranny.Most paints have a 12 hr window from base to clear but i try never to wait that long. If you wait any longer then 12 hrs you'll have to scuff the base.

  9. #24
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    back tape the doors and the top of the hood and paint them off the inside hood paint and clear them. and and backtape the bottom off the hood out side of the hood flat off the truck the way it sets on the truck and back tape the door jams put color down in the jams and pearl them to and clear them. then before the last clear coat wet them out cut evey thing in a week or two then sand it all out with 600 paper and i would cut all the hard to get spots rocker bottoms etc and sand it withgray scotch pad on the bottom rocker and would not put down any clear scotch pads work better on base and you will need to sand the over spray off .do your cut in before your last sand out to 600 wet use tinted red primer i do not like sealer much i like to sand it all flat and the more stuff you stack on with out sanding the lupier the base will get and count your coats and air psi and temp and how much thinner dry time on coats roll back tape keep from a paint bulid up

  10. #25
    clean94ranger is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    in my opnion, I wouldnt spray the pearl in the clear. intercoat clear is pretty inexpensive, and you can reduce it with the same reducer as your base coat. The problem with clear, especially if you dont have much experience with it, is that it naturally wants to flow out, and since the pearl is mixed in with that, it could make to pearl look real spotted and uneven. With an intercoat clear, if you spray it even using a big overlap, something like 80%, the pearl should look fine. You will have enough to think about when you're spraying clear, and having pearl in it is just one more thing to worry about. You can probably get a quart of intercoat clear for around $30, and I think it's well worth the added expence. Good luck!

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