Thread: soda blast
11-02-2005 09:17 AM #1
soda blast
I had my 37 ford soda blasted (baking soda) to get the paint off. It came off with no problems,but the company wants you to wash the body with a solution of water and vinegar to neutralize the high ph of the baking soda, then flush with a hose. I am concerned that this will start the car rusting in all areas. I plan to primer as soon as it dries. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks John
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11-02-2005 10:29 AM #2
ikes that would scare me, i'm wondering if you could use a pre-cleaner or not... not sure.. most of my stuff that i do gets glass blasted.CHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
Click to check my paint
11-02-2005 10:39 AM #3
Car steel is not perfectly refined to start with. What makes the difference is sealig the steel from long term weathering effects. Use a scotch brite to get what u can see, but dont look at it microscopically or u wont sleep at night. I have a 39 chevy thats been sitting in the woods with oak tree sap on it for 30 years with no paint and theres only a few places rusted thru. It takes longer than we think it does to eat metal.Choose your battles well===If it dont go chrome it
11-04-2005 01:28 AM #4
#1.. use HOT water.
#2.. blow it dry. Use a leaf blower and/ or compressed air
#3..wheel it into a heated room... crank the heat UP and bake it for a few hours.
You will still get some rust form. The scotchbrite pad is a good suggestion.Last edited by firebird77clone; 11-04-2005 at 01:31 AM.
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