Thread: Ghost Flames
11-14-2005 02:13 PM #1
Ghost Flames
I was wondering whats the best way to do pearl ghost flames? Should i mix the dry pearl in with inter coat clear or a base coat binder/balencer mix? It's going to be blue pearl from sem over silver base. Thanks for any thoughts
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11-14-2005 04:02 PM #2
I like working with the intercoat clear. (I use HOK SG-100) You need to be sure not to put more than 4 coats on, tho'.
A real time-saving/$$$ saving tip would be to do a spray-out on a silver panel. I used to think that was wasted time until I had to repaint a front-end one time. Hope this helps.
11-15-2005 06:45 AM #3
When I sprayed my truck I put the pearl in a clear mid-coat and then buried that with the clear top coat. After a little wet sanding with 800 grit the "edge" disappeared.
The lid...
I call these "Stealth" flames because they only show up when the sun or lighting is right...
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11-15-2005 07:32 AM #4
I use the SG100, or a similar product from X-otic Colours, (former HOK employees) 34-200.
11-25-2005 07:10 PM #5
I like using pearls in my midcoat clear. The thing to remember with ghostflames is... less is more. I know the first few times I painted graphics with pearls, I put on way more than needed, and the flames/scallops were less ghostlike and more like faded flames and scallops. don't over do it.If at first you don't succeed... skydiving probably isn't for you.
11-26-2005 12:44 AM #6
I prefer to make a base with the pearl, and the color of the car. this way I have more control over the color, it doesnt change with more coats.
11-26-2005 06:50 AM #7
thanks i'll do some test panels first and let you know how it turns out. Thanks
11-28-2005 08:32 PM #8
I always have added pearl to the DBC500 which is basically a clear base.. it works everytimeCHOP IT UP!!!!!!!
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