Thread: wet sanding?? painting ??
01-01-2006 01:26 PM #16
The unpredictability is a factor, but you can minimize your problems when you find a reliable combination of methods, and materials, then don't let anyone talk you into changing it.
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01-02-2006 02:22 AM #17
everything that everyone has posted is true. if you look at the above posts you see many things in common, and it is hard to explain things online, you try to make it short and to the point but in doing that I tend to not add something that would help draw things out for the person im trying to help. but if you read what has been posted by everyone and pretty much combine it all you will get an idea of what you will have to do. and that is
thats it. thats the big secret the pros use. I have actually met people that thought that if they were to just do a little sanding in the bad spots fill with mud and they were half done. they were WRONG!
for the first class finish . just follow what others have pointed out and take your time . in the end you will be much happier.
Oh by the way . most of us that have been doing this for years, have accumulated all kinds of body repair tools and technics that make the job much faster and easier. and over the years some of us have gotten a little used to the sanding . but it still wears the arm out.
happy sanding.
01-02-2006 08:17 AM #18
Much thanks guys,
As there is no subsitute for experence especially in a finicky type of work like painting I appriciate all your ideas and tips and leads on where to read more about getting a nice finish.
The tips on which type of primers and wet sanding is what I needed to figure out. I've now got a better idea.
I'm off to get some sanding in today.
Best Wishes for a great New Year
01-03-2006 04:53 AM #19
So are you confused yet? Good luck
01-03-2006 10:28 AM #20
confused well maybe a little but I got some really good info
and will give it my best
I have our grandson working on the sanding with us so maybe we will all learn something
happy trails
01-03-2006 11:53 AM #21
My Mantra:
An old timer taught me:
"Shape- Straight- smooth"
Make sure the metal work is the right SHAPE (hammer and dolly or shrink as necessary)
Make sure the panel is STRAIGHT ( Vixen file, long board and more hammer & dolly)
Then make it SMOOTH ( long board )
My sequence:
- Shape the metal
- Straighten the panel
- Self etch primer
- Catalyzed Primer filler (2 heavy coats)
- Sand with 36 grit long board ( to find low spots)
- Hammer & Dolly ( or fill ) the low spots
NOTE: "NEVER fill a high spot!"
- Sand with 36 grit Long board to assure panel is straight
NOTE: "Coarser is straighter"
- Catalyzed Primer filler
- Sand with 80 grit Long Board
- Catalyzed Primer sealer
- NOW it's time to SMOOTH with 120-220-400
CAUTION: Too many guys try to make it SMOOTH before the panel is the right shape or being straight thereby resulting in nice smooth waves!
ALSO: Use one paint system thoughout. PPG, DuPont, Sikkens... they are all good...just Do NOT mix.
Good luck and sand away!
01-03-2006 05:01 PM #22
I'm going to use you manta
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
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