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Thread: dust

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  1. #1
    TOW'D is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Hey Gang,
    We just got 2 coats of paint on my grandson's '57 VW Beetle
    Black 99A duPont
    and the dust specks are starting to show
    what should we do before spraying the next coats
    sanding seems in order but what grade sandpaper
    wet or dry??
    block hand sanding 600 or better??

    we want to lay down two more coats

    like everybody said the Gloss Black sure shows up the imprefections
    we found a small crease on the passenger door when the light is right
    but the rest looks good

    lots of work left but a blast to have the grandson help
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  2. #2
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Is the paint a single stage, or a base coat-clear coat???
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  3. #3
    TheCustomDept's Avatar
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    I would seal off the room in plastic, and make a small air vent.... The only thing inside that plastic should be the gun, car, and you...

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  4. #4
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
    pat mccarthy is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    if single stag wet sand with 1200 grit or 1000 make sure you do a panel it a time do not let the water with sanding residue dry on the fresh paint and do not cut thru the paint .if the dust has color to it when you get it flat may be it came from the gun or there is many things were it came from. here is some .shop floor you want to wet the floor keeps the dust down .off you. get a cheap paint suit .water in the air hose .may look like drit . drit coming off tape job. if it hase masking paper on it window s ect. all ways tack rag the paper down . dirt from wheel wells tape the inside of wheel wells off this helps dirt coming out. the first 3 feet of hose use a old tack rag allway tack the hose when you refill the cup and make sure the cup is clean on the bottom so stuff dose not fall in the paint . out of the body seam .car should be blown out good let car set . let dust settle so dust is not in the air and settle back down in the paint and retack rag the car.to much air speed and no place for new air if fan is pulling to hard it will suck all the drit of anywere and about 10+ more but here are some things
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 02-14-2006 at 10:39 PM.

  5. #5
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    will add one thing the 3m 600 gold back is more like 400 grit and watch the sand paper edges of the fresh paper so you do not dig trenchs in the fresh paint you can sand it out with 1200 to 400 this has alot to do with how much junk in the paint the smother the less grit you need. you do not want to cut past the paint over sand . use a old dish soap bottle or a spray bottle you do not want to flood with water .if you do not get at all the water out it may come out when you are painting if it has clear on it you sure in hell do not want to cut past the clear and to coarse paper may not melt the paint back in good so if you should not go to coarse
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 02-15-2006 at 01:41 AM.

  6. #6
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    sorry time to go to bed OH i hope you did not paint it the way i see it ?all of that is in side of the car like dirt may be blowing out of the windows holes when painting so tape and paper the window holes off from the in side of the car . this may take time but holds down the dirt have done many paint jobs this way . block off any holes. do not use any thing but taping paper . back tape with 2 ich tape this helps the paper from moveing when painting if you want a good job this is the way that work for me done way to many this way try not to move a round more than you have to put a coat down. set down and recoat till you are done try not ot open doors move a round show your friends. if the shop is big sit some were so you are not opening a door a letting in junk and do not sit or ware lint cacher, on all my show paint jobs i like to paint them 3:00 am no one around to make dust and i would not paint if very windy.i painted at a old shop if it had to be a very nice job i would not spay it till it clammed down outside
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 02-15-2006 at 01:45 AM.

  7. #7
    m falconstien is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Since I assume it is single stage and it has dried for more than 12 hours, sand with 600 wet and repaint. Next time the dust starts to settle on the fresh paint, just finish painting and wet sand. You should get a pretty good job doing it the way you are. Just plan on wet sanding and buff afterwards. Have fun. let us see it outside when you're done.

  8. #8
    TOW'D is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thumbs up


    As far as I know the paint is a single stage. It uses a activator.
    The paint has been drying for 2 weeks so far.

    The door into the painting room might be where the dust is getting in. It is a sliding sheet of 5/8" plywood and doesn't fit all that tight. The room next to the paint room is used for motorcycles and snowmobiles but nothing going on there while we were painting.

    We did wet down the floor but the point about not moving around too much is something to think about.

    We have a fan mounted about 4ft from the floor on the back windows do you think making a adapter and mounting a large diameter flex hose and having the end down under the car would help.

    thanks for the spiritual advice

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