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Thread: Pros and Cons of multi color Primering

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  1. #1
    Old Hippie is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Question Pros and Cons of multi color Primering


    I am thinking of primering my '32 with tinted primer to play color combo/patterns. Does anyone have any comments - pro or con?
    Less weight more speed; there's no substitute for cubic inches; If it don't go-chrome it

  2. #2
    shine's Avatar
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    wont hurt a thing. when your ready just sand and seal . your ready for paint

  3. #3
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
    Henry Rifle is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    If you have multi-colored primers under your paint, and are using a fairly transparent paint such as yellow or red, you may get some color variances in your finish coat. As Shine said, make the final prep coat a single color sealer. I'm using light gray primer on my '34, then I'm going to shoot a white sanding sealer.

    Gone to Texas

  4. #4
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
    HOTRODPAINT is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Not sure whether you intend it as a finish or an experiment, but I don't see anything wrong with it.

    If you want a more permanent finish, that won't fade, do it in basecoats, and use a flat clear.

  5. #5
    Old Hippie is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks guys.
    Denny, that would be kool if you are having a flashback. Shine, haven't heard from you in a while. Are going to the LSSRA state run? Henry Rifle and HOTRODPAINT, I know about the color change and if I do my "expermential" paint scheme, I'll sand'er down and re-primer in one color. If I do play with paint schemes, I probably won't do a lot of finish body work anyway, I just want to start "DRIVING IT".
    Less weight more speed; there's no substitute for cubic inches; If it don't go-chrome it

  6. #6
    shine's Avatar
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    i dont go to the state run anymore . i've been real busy lately. i took in too much work depending on some help that did not work out so i have 2 builds and a paint job going at once. trying to keep everyone happy but i'm running way behind. after i get some of it out i'll cut back to only 2 jobs at a time. i need some time to work on Inderweed.

  7. #7
    Old Hippie is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I understand the "no-time" situation. I am trying to get my '32 ready for next weekend and right it looks like I just took delivery of a roller. I do have just about everything to finish the car and I'm taking a weeks vacation next week, but, as you know, nothing ever fits and it always takes three times as long as you think. Maybe I'll get a chance to drop by next week and say hi.
    Less weight more speed; there's no substitute for cubic inches; If it don't go-chrome it

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