Thread: Metal flake engine paint
11-21-2006 01:11 PM #1
Metal flake engine paint
I just got a hold of a motor for my car and am cleaning it up before dropping it in. Since my car is going to be flat black, I figured I'd make the engine stand out a bit. I have seen some blocks painted with metalic paint and I really liked it. So I am going to go with a metalic red block, But I can't find any anywhere. Not duplicolor, krylon etc How bad would it be to use a non "high heat" paint on my engine...?
Any recommendations?Last edited by Gusaroo; 11-21-2006 at 01:19 PM.
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11-21-2006 02:01 PM #2
You won't find it in aerosol cans, you have to do it just like painting a car. First you spray an epoxy primer onto the engine, then spray whatever enamel, or metalic onto it.
That is how the pro built cars have such great looking engines.
Here is a picture of my Sons that is painted with metalic.
11-21-2006 02:13 PM #3
You can paint the block without high temp paint make sure the block is super clean and like Don said use epoxy primer, it will stick.
In the early 80's I painted my motor an tranny on my Harley with laquer and the heavy red metal flake , looked good and stuck to the block for about 15 years . We had to bead blast it to get it off the block.
Check with a auto body supply shop and ask them what to use to prep the block , I'm sure they'll help you out.
11-21-2006 09:52 PM #4
thx guys, epoxy primer is in my future, already have the spray gun.
Don, your son has good taste, that engine is exactly what I am going for, deep red flake and some cal custom finned it
11-27-2006 10:43 AM #5
Clean the block with wax/grease remover, tape all studs/cover all holes(saves you time in re-assembly), prime with epoxy primer, base with HOK orion silver, mid-coat with HOK candy apple, clear. It will look like a jewel under your hood, we did this for a '63 vette about a year ago, came out awesome.
12-03-2006 11:28 AM #6
Metal flake engine paint
I know this isn't the color you was looking for but some else maybe!
Pontica blue metalic is still on napa's shelf, but it's not the deep blue-more on the light side.. VHT Has it and it's more like the true color.
I just painted my DD Diesel with and it sure made this beast look alive..
12-03-2006 02:40 PM #7
I think I am just going to rattle can it in my garage using this Dupli-Color Metalcast. Heat, gas and oil resistant. Pretty cool looking colors as well, I am going to use the red and just do the block. I am not tearing the engine down, just freshening it up a bit...
Anyone ever try it?Last edited by Gusaroo; 12-03-2006 at 02:43 PM.
12-03-2006 08:15 PM #8
Metal flake engine paint
I think those colors was are meant to spray over a chrome to get the effect of each color
12-04-2006 05:56 AM #9
Originally Posted by hotrod396
Last edited by Gusaroo; 12-04-2006 at 05:58 AM.
12-17-2006 10:15 PM #10
You can any Auto Paint store mix you up a custom color paint in a Spray can ,.... The Pigments are way beyond aresols in the store .... better coverage & more metallics.........
They sell clear in a can too ......... Cost about $14 a can but, worth itStriving for perfection with the perfect Imperfections...
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