Thread: New guy shooting motorcycle...
01-16-2007 06:11 PM #1
New guy shooting motorcycle...
I'm working on my first project painting motorcycle tank with a PPG DBC silver metallic. Tank and side covers are primered with epoxy. I want to two tone the tank with two different shades of same paint - one shade as it is and one tone tinted darker.
1) to mask for second shade must I use a hardner with dbc or shoot a interclear to keep tape from peeling off B/C?
2) Should I use tint or black paint to darken a special mix for second tone.
3) How long do I honestly have to CC after shooting BC without needing to sand or such?
4) Tank and side covers are primered with tan epoxy. Should I lay down white BC first or will coverage be sufficient w/o?
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01-16-2007 08:36 PM #2
Originally Posted by staphcar
1: No you do not have to use the DBC hardner to tu-tone DBC , just let it dry its required dry time ( in your ambient temp ) . If it (i think DX57 DBC hardner ) is used make sure you use it in the tu-tone color as well . and then lay your stripe tape as you want .
2: You can use 1693 DBC black base toner , or use DBC mixed black to tint with . Wont take but a few drops to kick it darker , little bit goes along ways .
3: I wouldnt let it sit longer then over night before clear coating non -sanded , but if you think its going to take longer before you can clear coat , spray 2-3 coats of DBC500 with the DBC hardner mixed base clear , then you can sand that lightly for Adhesion for the Clear Coat . try not to sand the silver with out the DBC 500 or you may see some nasty sand scratches pop when you do the main Clearing , as most silvers are all clear and metallics/micas . with maybe a hint of a mix color , and will show every little sand scratch !
4:I would seal it with either white or what ever the tank is to get a more uniform color match .
Hope this helped you .
01-16-2007 09:01 PM #3
Thanks, Spray - you are a great deal of help!
01-17-2007 04:08 PM #4
I had a boo boo on the Base Tint Black number , its DMD 1683 , I hit the wrong number and didnt catch it .
Your welcome
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