Thread: has anyone ever used.....
07-20-2007 10:43 PM #1
has anyone ever used.....
one of those wagner power sprayers or something like that to paint a car? im lookin to just go flat black, and want something that looks better than rattle can. i dont really have the funds to buy a bigger air compressor and put filters, dryers, etc. on it and buy a good paint gun.
this will probably be the only car i ever paint, unless i get into doing bodywork heavily.
the sprayer im lookin at is a 6.6 GPM, with an adjustable nozzle, ability to shoot thick, thin or anywhere in the middle liquids. it says you can shoot laquor, stain, pretty much anything.
im just curious as to if theres an easy, cheap way to do this.
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07-20-2007 11:08 PM #2
You won't like the results. I have used one to paint a house, and it sprays a huge amount of paint on the area, not a mist like regular spray guns.
Rent a compressor and buy a cheap Harbor Freight gravity fed gun. Have everything sanded and masked and you can do it in one day, and you will be much happier with the outcome.
07-20-2007 11:13 PM #3
i think thats what im gonna end up doin now. i just came across one of em in bi-mart for 60 bucks and thought "hmm...."
but that sounds like a much better idea.
thanks for saving me some time.
07-20-2007 11:22 PM #4
Yeah, I was really disappointed when I used one on my house. It kind of throws paint out rather than spraying it out. You would have massive amounts of orange peel to deal with.
I have a couple of the cheap HF gravity guns, and they are actually pretty good. A guy who earns a living spraying cars might not like them, but for the occasional hobbiest they are fine. I have rented stuff like pressure washers from those rental places, and know they have portable air compressors to rent. You won't need anything huge, I have painted cars and boats with one of those little 1.5 HP/ 20 gallon Sears compressors for years before I finally got a bigger unit, and while it was not perfect, it got the job done.
Good luck,
07-20-2007 11:31 PM #5
There is a thread here about cheap paint jobs some where maybe some one can find it for you. No wait I know it was started in a post by shawnlee28 ... here it is >
I've used one of power sprayers on a fence don't know if it was a Wagner and I thought it was more trouble then it was worth and I wouldn't buy one till they come up with a better system " had to roll it after anyway" , and painting a car with one of them " I don't think I'd do" but that's just my opinion , do what you want and tell us how it worked out & include pictures.
Some times if you get all the body work complete , pull all the trim ,& do all your own masking some one will shoot it cheap. " have you asked around ? "
good luck
T L"Whad'ya want for nuth'N,,rrrrrubber biscuit... ?"
"bad spellers of the word untie ! "
If your wondering how I'm doing I'm > " I'm still pick'N up the shinny stuff and passing open windows"
07-21-2007 12:34 AM #6
thanks for finding me that link, killer. i read over it and totaly forgot about it.
i think im just gonna skip the idea of the house sprayer thing now. i really dont want to go through all the trouble of having to re-sand and re-paint more than i already have to.
ive looked at the paint guns at HF, and theyre not too expencive. i think the place down the street will rent me a compressor for pretty cheap. so i think il be good.
thanks for all the imput and help, guys.
07-21-2007 01:59 AM #7
Bought a Wagner at Home Depot to paint the garage inside. Ended up taking it back and used a roller. Faster and better.PLANET EARTH, INSANE ASYLUM FOR THE UNIVERSE.
07-21-2007 06:26 AM #8
Home Depot sell's a reasonably inexpensive HVLP gun that seems to be a nicer gun. That's what I used to paint my car with good result's.
IF you can find anyone to help you there!
07-21-2007 06:31 AM #9
pick up a copy of HOT ROD July 07.get a good paint job for $98.Rust-Oleum is synthetic enamel applied with a foam roller. Looks very good but lot of elbow grease.Which do you have the most of grease or money.good luck.
07-21-2007 10:47 AM #10
wow. i havent heard a single good thing about those wagner guns yet. im not lookin for perfect results, its not going to be a show peice.
to answer yor question, buckwheat, probably more grease. haha.
i think i actually picked up that issue and looked at it in the store. i ought to actually go and buy a copy now.
07-21-2007 02:52 PM #11
I have used the Wagner power sprayers a few times. IF it involves paint, ... Don't even waste your time ... spend the money on something more useful, like rattle cans of your chosen color.
Wagner Sprayers don't use air to mist the paint, they simply force the paint out a small hole under pressure. No matter what settings and nozzles I have tried, thinned or not, I have pretty much needed a roller to go over some if not all of the job afterwards.My Work in Progress ... 1955 MGA Coupe on an S-10 frame with a 4.3L V6
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
55 Wagon Progress