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Thread: Disappointing paint

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  1. #16
    shine's Avatar
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    in 40 years of painting i have learned 1 thing. you buy maco, you get maco. neither ppg nor dupont can touch spi in restoration or custom work. they are made for collision work and fail at anything else.

  2. #17
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by shine
    in 40 years of painting i have learned 1 thing. you buy maco, you get maco. neither ppg nor dupont can touch spi in restoration or custom work. they are made for collision work and fail at anything else.

    I think Barry/SPI has absolutely great products as far as undercoatings like epoxy, 2K and so on. His clears cannot be beaten by anyone, He just doesn't offer enough color selections yet (12, give or take a couple, to my knowledge, half of which are reds) to satisfy everyones needs so we have to go to the DuPonts, PPGs and R-M paints of the world. (I wont use HOK/Valspar or S-W for reasons other then their quality.)

    I do have to say that if I were painting my car red, like Flame or Torch Red, one of his would for sure be under consideration
    Dave W
    I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug

  3. #18
    shine's Avatar
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    i use ppg for color . i use single stage for color and spi uv clear. if i can use one of barry's colors i will but the restomod vettes i do are pretty hard to get color for period.

  4. #19
    mrmustang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shine
    in 40 years of painting i have learned 1 thing. you buy maco, you get maco. neither ppg nor dupont can touch spi in restoration or custom work. they are made for collision work and fail at anything else.
    Don't knock MAACO as a company they paint more cars in a year than everyone on CHR combined. of course I'm a bit biased as a MAACO franchisee myself , but the old adage is you do get what you pay for. You want a basic single stage enamel paint job over your own bodywork, that is fine, but don't complain when your workmanship (or in 97% of the cases your bad workmanship) shows through. of course the flip side is if you want a beautiful base/clear job for 1/2 the price of a regular paint shop, yup, we do those as well, and might I add, the BC/CC jobs come out flawlessly, or they do not leave my shop . I cannot speak for all franchise owners, just myself, maybe I'm a bit too anal when it comes to what leaves my shop, but as the owner, why shouldn't I be.

    Bill S.

    PS: I've used PPG, Silkens, Dupont, but at the moment for paint line of choice happens to be Sherwin Williams, why, simple, sooner or later the paint business will be switching to "water based" paints and SW is lightyears ahead of the rest of them in R&D and real world production....I know of several shops who have already switched over and while the drying process is still working out it's own bugs (drying times are not quite as fast as a MAACO shop wants), the paint itself lays out beautifully......
    Last edited by mrmustang; 11-13-2007 at 03:48 PM.
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  5. #20
    chopshopcustoms's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t0oL
    figured I had to try www.paintforcars.com "Trinity" brand urethane @ ~$79 gallon including hardener and reducer. The ad did say it was comparable to Imron but had an 85 gloss.
    I didn't understand at the time because when I had used Imron it had at least 94-100+ gloss.

    Unfortunately it really has an 85 gloss as advertised, even with hardener supplied. Maybe I could topcoat with some old leftover clear Imron and hopefully it will adhere.

    You get what you pay for .$79 is pretty cheap. And like some of the other posts say- 'it came out good for the money' . Not the look I would be striving for...

    I use Dupont Hot Hues, House of Kolor and PPG products in my shop. Best out there -each has its own highlights. Not cheap but then again- its doen right the FIRST time...

  6. #21
    maxxmuscle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nitrowarrior
    Hotrodpaint; help me out here please....isn't Trinity a dupont side paint like Nason? I don't know that why I ask.
    Nitro. I don't think Trinity is a side line for DuPont. Nason is DuPonts sideline as you mentioned... I started using DuPont because in my area HOK is too hard to get. Alot of local guys are using Matrix, but I know what I can mix and what will work in MY system, so I haven't stepped out to try it. Typically, I have any mixture of DuPont, HOK and PPG on a custom job with graphics. Even have some SW in the storage cabinet from a customer that wanted to supply his own materials. Like has been said over and over, you get what you pay for. It might be cheaper and look absolutely FANTASTIC now, but 3-4 years down the road, you'll be wondering why it needs to be painted again...Cuz it cost less 3-4 years ago. Good Luck and let us know what you decide to do and how it comes out.
    If its not worth doing right, its not worth doing... Donny, MaxxMuscle Custom Painting

  7. #22
    chopshopcustoms's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOTRODPAINT
    I usually pay $1200 to $2500 for materials to do a car with graphics. The good news is I just saw a Corvette I painted in '87, and it still looks fresh!

    He could have used cheap paint and done it 4-5 times to keep it looking good, but the labor would have canceled out the savings a dozen times over.

    Yep----what he said a dozen times over. My own car was done in 2000 and I STILL get people asking me why I 'just' repainted the thing...LOL
    Lenny Schaeffer
    Woburn MA

    MY 56 CHEVY

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