Thread: need advice with sealer
12-01-2007 06:55 PM #1
need advice with sealer
I know this has been asked before,but I am getting advice from 3 different guys,and of course I get 3 different answers, so I need you input on this, it has lacquer paint on it now,(going with base coat-clear coat) so I was told to take it to the medal, but as you can see the brown primer underneath,do I have to take that off too? or will the seal bond good enough,one guy told me that the sealer would hold just buy sanding it like the door is now,
then after sealer do I have to prime it or do I just paint over sealer? don't mean to sound dumb but I'm an upholsterer not a painter
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12-01-2007 07:05 PM #2
can't get pictures to load again..
12-01-2007 07:07 PM #3
First question you see any peeling, cracking, or blistering? If the paint is failing, and you paint over it, the new paint will eventually fail too.
Second question...How many paint jobs are already on it, and what color are you painting it? If there is more than one, maybe two, you should strip it, especially if you are going gloss black, or something like a candy or pearl color.
Third question...are there places where the old paint job has weathered through the current coat of paint? Are there very many scratches, chips or "dings"? If so, you should feather and repair them, and bury it with 2-3 coats of catalyzed primer.
To answer one of your questions, yes you can paint over sealer, but it has to be done right away. Read the directions before you start.
12-01-2007 07:35 PM #4
HOTRODPAINT,I can't seem to post pictures,I was trying to show what we have done already, the wagon is really straight,no rust,yes there was like blistering on everything that was facing up, (if that makes sense)it came from Ca. so the sea water got it,now you said I have to paint it right away,
thats one reason I was told to seal it ,so I could wait awhile, as far as color
I am trying to go with the original light blue.which I am also having trouble matching, (67 buick wagon ) is ant one else having problems loading pictures??
12-01-2007 08:39 PM #5
What I mean by painting right away is that if sealer dries too long, paint won't stick to it. You would have to sand it all again before painting.
The common advise is that epoxy primer will protect it without letting moisture seep through.
12-02-2007 11:40 AM #6
if you notice my avatar it's a picture of the wagon,it's the only way I could load it,I am sanding to the medal,then I wipe it down down with some kind of acid tone this guy told me to do, spray that greenish sealer, which seeems to be working fine,I want to do the whole wagon like this, it will sit like that all winter, then do I have to spray cah just paint when I'm ready or do I have to spray the epoxy primer as a must before I paint?
12-02-2007 11:52 AM #7
OK !!I was able to load pictures on that camera by my avatar.
12-02-2007 12:19 PM #8
Based on what I see in the pictures, I suggest a primer/sealer similar to Sherwin Williams DTM. As already stated above, you will need to rescuff or reshoot the sealer again once you get around to painting the car.
Bill S.Instead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.
12-02-2007 05:45 PM #9
Bill, thanks for loading the picture ,I tried 3 times and couldn't do it, it said it was loading but when I submitted the thread , they did'nt come outlike I said this painting thing is all new to me,a friend of mine sprayed the otp and fenders for me after I removed all the paint and primer,is it a sealer or sealer primer? thats one thing I'm trying to find out,I was also told if I took just the paint off and left the primer like it is around the window frame it would hold,
then I was told just to sand down it like the frt. door that it would hold good enough,
or am I just better doing it like I am by sanding it down to the medal then spray this sealer??
the picture shows like
there is surface rust but theres not,it's clean with just a little primer showing,sure wished I would of left it alone
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