Thread: Engine Paint
01-01-2004 05:54 AM #1
Engine Paint
I would like some advice on the correct way to paint my engine,can I paint it in pearl
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01-01-2004 07:13 PM #2
Hello hartside,
Yes you can paint your motor with just about any type of paint, some have better hold out qualities then others.
I have found that the acrylic enamels, acrylic uerathanes work rather well.
If you want pearl over a certain color on your block it can be done using a compatiable clear with the pearl added in the clear.
But the more Mill's ( paint thickness) you have the more chances of it flacking off in time.
Just make sure you throughly clean the outside block surface with soap & water , then a good wax & grease remover , then 1 coat of epoxy sealer, then spray your color.
01-02-2004 05:04 AM #3
Thanks for the info SprayTeck the motor is new I just have to strip the old off.
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