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Thread: Paint Guns??

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  1. #31
    shine's Avatar
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    if your saving all these thousands of dollars on a paint job......... whats a couple of hundred for a good gun ?????

  2. #32
    GabrielC is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    i learned SOOOOO much in this topic! I'm really inclined to break up the porky pig and go for a Iwata (here in Brazil I'll get it for 600 dollars, MINIMUM), I certainly intendo to do more than one job with it, I'm a DIY freak and love old stuff, I'm also a hopless perfectionist and If I want to tur my fridg into a "hot rod fridg" (even for the most paradoxal that it may sound), I'll certainly want a PERFECT finishing in the paint! LOL

    for finishing up, I'll spend as much as needed for a perfect result, BUT, for primer, do I really need a top quality gun?

    here in Brazil, for around 100 dollars there are several national brands, respected ones and used by minor shops and regular paint jobs, some say that it's a waste of money to buy an imported one, I disagree, the shops that say this have a finishing that I'd NEVER accept in my car, but back to primer, with a good, regular, national, 100 bucks gun (or even less ???) would it be possible to have a good primer job?

    reminding that just the 1.8 tip for the Iwata would cost almost 200 dollars here in Brazil, so it's cheaper to buy another gun (and of course, save the Iwata, and it's 1.4 tip, just for the really hard jobs) than get the Iwata tip and change it when necessary!

  3. #33
    chopshopcustoms's Avatar
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    I use a SATA paint gun. NOT cheap in any way but as you can see below- creates an amazing paint job with ease. Comfortable in my hand too.

    Lenny Schaeffer
    Woburn MA

    MY 56 CHEVY

  4. #34
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by shine
    if your saving all these thousands of dollars on a paint job......... whats a couple of hundred for a good gun ?????
    Shine - If you're taking to me - you had best go back and read my earlier posts I HAVE an IWATA and purchased from the same source you got yours.
    Dave W
    I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug

  5. #35
    FMXhellraiser's Avatar
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    SATA is also a very nice gun. I like both but got an Iwata because I got an amazing deal. I also love Iwata's small gun with the side cup that swivels for painting upside down to do motorcycle frames and roll bars. I can't think of the name but I love it and only used it once hahaha. Iwata and Sata are two of the top spray guns. I am sure there are others but those two names you will hear the most.

    If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!

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