Thread: 1966 chevelle painting question
07-23-2008 12:07 AM #1
1966 chevelle painting question
hey guys question sanding down my car and i am about done i bought evercoat g2 filler..after i spray and sand i was told to use ppg epoxy primer then my then with in 24 hours my base coat should go on so the base bonds this the right way to do this thanks guys brett
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07-23-2008 05:56 AM #2
If it was me doing this project , I would spray the PPG's DPLF first , for an excellent ground coat , then use the evercoat feather fill . ( blocking smooth )
Then buy a Qt. of PPG's DAS sealer ( if using PPG's DBC Base color ) and shoot this ( comes in white , Lt Grey , & Dk Grey ) , letting it sit 15 min, Then shoot your base and clear .
PPG's DPLF Epoxy doesnt lay very smooth IMO .
07-25-2008 01:05 PM #3
hey thanks for the response my car is bare metal now and i am on a budget and leaning away from ppg cause of price what do you think of kustom shop paint on ebay looks real cheap dont know if it will give me a nice job what do you think about there epoxy primer/sealer is any good can i use that instead of dplf and maybe use dimension paint on top or then shoot my feater coat after then do i seal it...
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
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