Thread: Paint Guns
03-29-2009 08:10 PM #16
Thanks Spray! BTW I am sending you a PM!
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
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03-30-2009 06:37 PM #17
got it
03-30-2009 07:21 PM #18
Thanks Darrell!
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
03-30-2009 11:10 PM #19
Ok guys sprayed with the Iwata. Seemed a little different than the old guns I have (Devilbis). Liked it, almost no over spray in garage, compressor only ran one brief time on each coat on a pick up lid I was painting. Clear worked out so far, no wrinkles,yet!!! been cured for 3 days already. Thanks for the suggestion on the gun. Ken
03-30-2009 11:45 PM #20
Glad you like it! Yes it takes some getting used to thats for sure but like you said, it barely uses air and little
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
07-09-2009 05:01 AM #21
Lenny Schaeffer
Woburn MA
11-20-2009 12:30 PM #22
I like SATA and Iwata. I own an IWATA LPH 400. The Iwata's are great guns and use VERY little air and very little overspray. when spraying so it took a while for me to get used to this gun. With the Iwata you will move slow and it lays down a great pattern. The stock cap with it is the silver one and it does great for clears and basic base advice to u to go with iwata, and nice to here u prefer iwata.cartucho r4i
11-20-2009 05:30 PM #23
I have a lph 400 as well I have never painted before painting with this gun, and I got very little drips, only in my primer which I had to block sand only, and none in my final coats,,, I really don't have anything to compare this gun too, but I though it worked great!!
11-20-2009 07:35 PM #24
I have been Demoing the NEW Iwata SuperNova guns , designed by Pininfarina, and man are they SWEET ! The WS400 is the clear gun ( not on the market yet ) , and the LS400 is their base gun , I now shoot Aquabase Plus Water borne and boy it sprays it Excellent .
It has a whole new way of spraying out the material , its like a well defined line of material , without the fuzzy overspray bouncing off the panels .
The LS400 I demoed , I sprayed color at 12-16 psi , and the clear gun was set at 20 psi .
I have been using 4 Iwata LPH 400's ( 1.4 FN ) for 4 years now 2 are in the silver LV4 silver air cap , the LVB purple air cap for those hard to spray pearls , kandies and metallics only , and the Extreme orange air cap that works very well with base color and clears .
Look into them when they hit the market !!!!!!
You wont be sorry !
11-27-2009 11:11 AM #25
Darrell, your a lucky sun of a gun! I am still happy with my LPH400 thought and wouldn't mind having 1 or 2 more. How were you able to get your hands on these new ones? I am guessing a jobber came buy with some test dummy ones?
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
11-29-2009 08:34 PM #26
Actually , I friended a guy that runs & works for Iwata gun forums and he sent me the demos , he even sent me the Extreme (Orange ) air cap to demo for the LPH400's before they were introduced to the public a couple of years ago
Yes I am a LUCKY man .
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
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