Thread: Paint Guns
03-18-2009 09:27 PM #1
Paint Guns
What are your suggestions for a decent spray gun to spray topcoats, BC/CC, single stage paints. Would like to buy a Iwata, but not sure if I want to spend that much for a gun. Next best one for the price? Thanks Ken
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03-19-2009 06:16 AM #2
Iwata or Sata is the only way to go.When I get to where I was goin, I forgot why I went there>
03-19-2009 07:10 AM #3
It amounts to pay me now vs later!!
The amount of product (much less overspray) that you can save with an Iwata vs something like a a DeVillbiss mid line gun or even a Harbor Freight 'purple' will pay for itself in a couple of jobs. Also, with an Iwata, you can use a much smaller compressor as the inlet psig is no more than 16 and the cfm is 9 or less. I have no history with SATA, but they are probably as good.Dave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
03-19-2009 08:13 AM #4
i`ve never had anything but a binks model #7 ..but i paint perhaps one car every 2 or 3 years ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
03-20-2009 09:11 AM #5
I like SATA and Iwata. I own an IWATA LPH 400. The Iwata's are great guns and use VERY little air and very little overspray. I was used to old style guns with higher pressure and a faster pace when spraying so it took a while for me to get used to this gun. With the Iwata you will move slow and it lays down a great pattern. The stock cap with it is the silver one and it does great for clears and basic base coats. I have used it for metallics and it did fine but they sell what they call their "purple base cap" that is great for metallics and now they even have an "Orange cap" that is supposedly even better. The caps are about $100 bucks but the stock silver should be fine.
In the end the Iwata will save you on paint material, time as far as having to wetsand or fix blemishes, etc. If you only plan to paint about one car then you may just want to purchase a mid grade gun in the $200-$250 dollar range or you can buy the Iwata and sell it online to someone and make some money back. It's all up to you on what you plan to do in the future with painting. I have even sprayed primer with it with great results. I would recommend the 1.4
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
03-24-2009 11:13 PM #6
Thanks guys, I purchased a Iwata gun. Will try it this week.
03-25-2009 08:22 PM #7
If it's the Iwata LPH 400 then you will love the gun once you get used to it! Which size tip did you buy? Also just remember it only takes about 16psi at the gun to shoot anything through it and it will lay out very nice, especially clear. It's one of the best clear guns
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
03-26-2009 05:19 AM #8
dont be afraid to bump the pressure up some. i shoot spi universal at around 22-24 .
03-26-2009 07:30 AM #9
Yes the Universal clear can be shot at 20 psi. I even boost it to 25. I have been away from painting for almost a year now since I changed careers for a bit and now just painted a fender and boosted the pressure up to about 35-40 psi. I forgot this gun doesn't need that much and have to get used to it again.When I switched from the old Sata a friend of mine had (I can't even remember the model) and then his other "caveman" gun I call it I was so used to using higher pressure and moving quicker that it took me a while to get used to this gun. I am still getting used to it and love the gun.
How many turns out on the needle do you have it for Universal clear Shine? Around 3 I am guessing? Do you reduce your Universal any? I reduce mine a very little amount but really it doesn't even need
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
03-26-2009 08:15 PM #10
The Iwata LPH400 LVX ( orange air cap ) is more of their all around gun especially in the 1.4 Fluid Nozzle , I have a 3 LPH400's in the 1.4 with the LV4 silver air cap for Clearing only , the Orange air cap for most metallic's & clears , and the Purple air cap for those mean silvers and pearl's , and works beautiful for Kandies !
I shoot the purple air car gun with 12-14 psi,
the orange cap gun with 14 psi , and my silver capped gun with 20 psi
all these settings are with the trigger fully pulled with 5 turns out from closed on the material knob and the fan all the out with a 1/4 turn in .
I also have an Iwata W-400 1.4 ( compliant ) with the tulip fluid nozzle & silver air cap that works well for primers , single stages , solid base coats , and clears .
Use them all day long every day for the past 4 years and have served me well
03-26-2009 10:01 PM #11
SprayTech, are you still a PPG guy? I haven't talked to you in a while, hows things been? I remember when I first started with painting side of restorations, you were the one I asked questions to all the time and you actually have taught me a lot of what I know even though I didn't learn it from you in actual person haha. I am thinking about buying just the Orange cap for my Iwata. I was going to buy the entire gun but since I do not paint everyday anymore I decided to save my money for the mini Iwata for jambing out and motorcycle frames, flame graphics,
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
03-27-2009 02:19 AM #12
I got the 1.3 tip LPH 400-134LVX. Have a question not related to spray gun but..... BC CC dont know what brand of paint, clear starting to burn off. Question, I have some single stage ALGRIP clear urathane (high grade Marine), do you think it would be ok to scuff and spray over. Thanks Ken
03-27-2009 03:34 PM #13
I am still at the same dealership and shooting PPG & things are good
We are getting ready to switch to PPG /Nexa Aquabase Plus waterborne system . My boss and I drove up to Kansas City for a seminar at the PPG training center last week and looks like an excellent product .
You will love the Iwata LPH -80 1.2 gun I have one and use it alot , excellent little gun !!!!
Glad I was of some help to you when you were first learning
Take Care Buddy !!
So what is your career change ??
03-29-2009 02:12 PM #14
I will have to check that little gun out! I am working at Wachovia Securities temporarily but starting my own automotive mobile detailing business. It's a bit more relaxing for me and not as much overhead as it would be to start a shop. I still do paint on the side though and doing a bike now but having MAJOR problems with the junk Nason black base drying and making the clear solvent popping. I have redone it 4 times. At first I thought it was specs in it from bad activator so reshot it the 3rd time with all new clear and activator and now found out that the cheap Nason black base takes almost a full day in the sun to cure underneath and breath out. I threw it out and am painting it right now (waiting for the 2nd coat to dry) and using PPG Omni (which is still cheap but I've never had problems with it). The guy wants it black for now but I am repainting the bike when he gets more money in a metallic orange and some graphics and lettering on the tank...
I am going to let this PPG base dry for about 4 hours or more before laying my SPI Universal
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
03-29-2009 08:03 PM #15
Well Heres to a successful & profitable business !
I hope all the best to you , as your going to be a busy beaver making it fly
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
55 Wagon Progress