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Thread: Which Paint

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  1. #16
    53 Willys's Avatar
    53 Willys is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thank You for the responses they both confuse and help at the same time The RM dealer is a parts store and doesn't have anyone that knows about paint, The PPG place is an Auto paint business and has someone to ask stupid questions and is willing to answer.I have not found anything bad about SPI only good, plus Its less expensive.So I think I will order and try the SPI clear. and use PPG base.
    Again Thanks

  2. #17
    shine's Avatar
    shine is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    every painter i have turned on to spi loves it . unlike ppg/dupont it is user friendly and designed with the restorer or custom painter in mind. had i not found barry and spi i would most likely have quit . after 40+ years of being jerked around by dupont and ppg changing clears every few years . they went further to the production side each time. 2 coats and gone is their motto.
    barry make 4 clears . the universal is what i use. never liked high solids so i dont use the ms and hs he makes. although painters who are use to hs like them. he has a uroclear for the collision guys . if there is no jobber near you then you can order direct from spi , no shipping.

    this site is all users of spi and most are pro's doing it daily for a living.


  3. #18
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I keep agreeing with Shine (scary thought - someday we'll PO one another), especially about the clears as well as the SPI epoxy.

    If you have a problem, you give the owner of SPI, Barry K. a call, and by the time you are done, you no longer have one plus you might just have solved some of the world's as well
    Dave W
    I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug

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