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Thread: what tip sizes??

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  1. #16
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    So, in what you are saying.. I should do all of the prep work, and have a shop shoot it. With the cheapy gun I should be able to shoot primer, and a sealer don't you think??
    I bought two of the Harbor Freight "purple guns" - they have two different guns, the one that's $10 on sale, and another that's $15 or so on sale that they call "professional". I had one of each ... I was spraying primer with the better of the two when the fisheye mess hit me. I sanded off two coats of epoxy primer before my paint guy loaned me one of his guns and it laid down a perfectly flat coat. I went back and bought a Finex gun from him -
    http://www.sharpe1.com/sharpe/sharpe...e/Finex+FX2000 and the following primer coat and finish color were fine. I know that lots of people have had acceptable service from the HF guns, but as expensive as the paint & primer are, it just doesn't make sense to me. I would recommend that you buy yourself a decent, mid-range gun (mine was $140) and do the whole job yourself. You'll have the satisfaction of knowing you did it, and you're building a driver, not a trailer queen so it'll be great!!
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  2. #17
    slantback37's Avatar
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    So what you are saying is that I would still need a good gun just to spray primer, and a sealer??

  3. #18
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    So what you are saying is that I would still need a good gun just to spray primer, and a sealer??
    I believe that is true. Think about it - why trust a $100 gallon of primer to a $10 gun?? If it all ends up on the floor as sanding dust what did you really save?? Even if half of it??
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  4. #19
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    This is my favorite - low CFM, low pressure 1.4 tip for BC/CC and the avatar car was painted with it ~18 mos ago
    Dave W
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  5. #20
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    IC2.. I guess if I had that kind of money.. That would be my favorite also. I need a less expensive, but good gun to shoot primer, and maybe a sealer.. After that.. Who knows if I will be using it again.. Al

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    IC2.. I guess if I had that kind of money.. That would be my favorite also. I need a less expensive, but good gun to shoot primer, and maybe a sealer.. After that.. Who knows if I will be using it again.. Al
    Al - the ASTRO $75 gun is one to consider, not my IWATA. Mine is a pro level. Unfortunately, today, I too couldn't pay a lot for a good spray gun but rest assured, mine was a 'deal' and lots less then the Amazon price.


    The Finishline 3 with 2 tips is as good but a few bucks more: http://www.smartshoppersinc.com/Devi...tml#Finishline

    Just be sure you purchase an HVLP, not a siphon feed for the new paints
    Dave W
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  7. #22
    lotsatoys's Avatar
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    I also use the Sharpe, but I have the fx3000 version 1.4 tip. I spray everything with it, from primer to clear, and it works great. I also own several other guns, some costing over twice as much, but always come back to the Sharpe. I paint maybe one car every 2-3 years, so it fits my needs and budget. I see the 3000 for around $120.oo quite often.

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  8. #23
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    here i add my two cents and pi$$ off a few? it is the painter that makes the finsh not so much the gun .. if you paint alot then you can paint a car with a fire hose . i painted every day and there were 3 full time painters or more in one shop of many of the shops i work at and every one had there own gun any where from brinks .sharps . devilbiss . and many other make s every one knew how to paint with there guns and most all the time things came out good to very nice . i seen paint laid down with cheap knock off of the binks 7. i used many of. binks .sharpe s . devilbiss over the years i painted . i still like and have my sharpe guns. but i have put many paint jobs down with devibiss gun as well start with a good gun and time painting with the gun makes you good
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 12-02-2010 at 08:26 PM.
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  9. #24
    rspears's Avatar
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    Pat, the only comment I will make is that the guns you list, "brinks, sharps, devilbiss, and many others" are all good quality guns - not necessarily the top of the line by price, but good quality guns. If you put a "WalMart Special" $9.95 Harbor Freight gun in their hands at that shop you mention I would venture a guess it would be bounced off the wall, or worse, in the first day. Could they paint with it? Sure it will spray paint but nothing like the guns you mention, and like Dave said, you'll have to find what each particular gun wants for pressure, volume, etc and it may not be consistent. Like Don said, he painted a lot with a cheapie HF gun, but noticed a big difference when he went to a ~$100-$150 gun setup to paint their top coats. Paint is too expensive to waste, IMO.
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  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    Pat, the only comment I will make is that the guns you list, "brinks, sharps, devilbiss, and many others" are all good quality guns - not necessarily the top of the line by price, but good quality guns. If you put a "WalMart Special" $9.95 Harbor Freight gun in their hands at that shop you mention I would venture a guess it would be bounced off the wall, or worse, in the first day. Could they paint with it? Sure it will spray paint but nothing like the guns you mention, and like Dave said, you'll have to find what each particular gun wants for pressure, volume, etc and it may not be consistent. Like Don said, he painted a lot with a cheapie HF gun, but noticed a big difference when he went to a ~$100-$150 gun setup to paint their top coats. Paint is too expensive to waste, IMO.
    well and like i said it takes time to lean to paint some guy that paints only 10 or 20 cars is not a pro so the best gun may not help much if you do not know what the hell to do and that takes seat time,i seen knock offs of guns listed . like i said binks 7 that i know a guy that paints with and he can make it work buy a $10.00 gun your a fool i think the cheap 7 is $50
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 12-03-2010 at 06:00 AM.
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  11. #26
    PRO53's Avatar
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    One thing slantback 37. One reason I went with tcp global or a cheaper than PPG or HOK was since I was doing everything myself I would ratther screw up 600.00 in materials than 1300.00 in materials
    As what Pat said, One of my best paint jobs was under a carport wrapped in plastic with a 30.00 gun Some reasons that day everything worked out
    1930 model a , 1953 ford truck

  12. #27
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PRO53 View Post
    One thing slantback 37. One reason I went with tcp global or a cheaper than PPG or HOK was since I was doing everything myself I would ratther screw up 600.00 in materials than 1300.00 in materials
    As what Pat said, One of my best paint jobs was under a carport wrapped in plastic with a 30.00 gun Some reasons that day everything worked out
    i love when that works i shot a Z28 in a shot gun shack med garnet that was 16 years ago before my shop was up and running that car still gets best paint at some of the car shows it has been to it was like painting in side of a whale at the time my helper fred was running round the car with a hand held ligth to see were the car was so it could hit it with paint
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 12-03-2010 at 06:31 AM.
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  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by pat mccarthy View Post
    i love when that works i shot a Z28 in a shot gun shack med garnet that was 16 years ago before my shop was up and running that car still gets best paint at some of the car shows it has been to it was like painting in side of a whale at the time my helper fred was running round the car with a hand held ligth to see were the car was so it could hit it with paint

    The paint job I was talkning about a lime green bug I had, we wet the crushed concrete floor down, it 50 degrees out side, we are blowing frost out or mouths, PPG acrlyic enamel, fast reducer, that paint went on so smooth, didnt even need a buff job, heres a pick.I was 23, that was 18yrs ago Life,s LESSSONS :
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  14. #29
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    you guy s in TX think thats cold up here thats good painting weather back 30years ago when i started painting all we had was enamel or lacquer shot many enamel jobs still like it . but all lacquer needed to be buff
    Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip

  15. #30
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    I agree with what Pat said about the skill of the painter being more important or as important as the quality of the gun. Until recently I only used HF guns, and while I am not a pro painter I take my time, use quality products, and got pretty good results. I do realize that good quality tools generally work so much better than cheapies, but for the money the HF guns are not horrible.

    This transmission is just one example of something I shot with a HF gravity feed gun, and the paint and primers laid down smoothly and it ended up as good as I could have gotten with a more expensive gun. Now, would I use one to paint a complete high dollar car? No.

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