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Thread: what tip sizes??

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  1. #31
    lotsatoys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PRO53 View Post
    As what Pat said, One of my best paint jobs was under a carport wrapped in plastic with a 30.00 gun Some reasons that day everything worked out

    The dark green T bucket I showed above was painted under a clear drop cloth 20 feet out the door you see it setting at in the picture. but that brings up a great point for the OP if he ends up painting the car himself. LIGHT!! you absolutly can not get too much light on a paint project. especially for a beginner, you have to be able to see the material flow to have any hope at all of having a good finished product. you might think you "have enough", but you will want even more after you get started shooting. trust me on this one!! BTDT.


  2. #32
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears
    I bought two of the Harbor Freight "purple guns".......
    Quote Originally Posted by pat mccarthy View Post
    ... buy a $10.00 gun your a fool. i think the cheap 7 is $50
    So now that we have that established I guess I'm a double fool At least I'm in pretty good company, given several others that have admitted being foolish at HF.
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  3. #33
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    So now that we have that established I guess I'm a double fool At least I'm in pretty good company, given several others that have admitted being foolish at HF.
    well sorry if i do not know how cheap you can buy a gun for i have mine so i not shopping at HF. i knew at the time the knock off were $50.00 or abit less with cup but that was at the paint store in town .but like i said with some fine tuning a good painter can make just about any thing work i seen it and done it
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  4. #34
    chevygirl396 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    if i was in your position i would do all the prep work and send it to a shop. 450 doesn't sound like a lot of money. you can use i cheap primer gun because your sanding it smooth anyways. but even the sata gun i bought to prime with daily was 350$ not bad i thought. i spray with sata guns but i do it for a living so i spent a lot of money for them. as for the tips look to the tech sheets of the paint you will be using they will tell you what tip to use with there product. Good Luck!

  5. #35
    slantback37's Avatar
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    Looks like alot to think over. I would like to paint the 37 myself. That would then mean that I did everything myself. Even pulling off the body, and putting it back on the frame. I did it all by myself. As far as the painting goes.. I would be pulling off the fenders, hood, doors, and deck lid and paint them seperate. More or less any part I can pull off I would paint first. Then I would paint the body. i would have to make some sort of jig to help me install the fenders so that I wouldn't scratch any other part. I plan to use a shrinking disc, so as to eliminate the use of bondo. I figure that Blue has to be cheaper that Red?? The paint shop in town also will fill rattle cans. That would make it easier to do door openings, and around the door and small areas. They also sell a rattle can clear coat. I saw some guns on ebay for around $130. Whatever I pick.. I will show you guys, and gals first..

    Now has anyone ever used one of those shrinking discs?? Al

  6. #36
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Al - it looks and sounds like you have a really big/major project here. While I don't know where you are and what condition your car is at present, but there is one thing you need to do BEFORE you go any further. You need to make a plan. In this plan, you need to decide what you want when you are done and what I mean, a driver, a Saturday and Sunday cruiser or a show car. This plan should be as detailed as possible with parts to buy, repair, build, etc. My build was originally set up as an Excel spread sheet along with the anticipated and actual costs. Yes, it pretty much got abandoned, but I have kept a pretty good list of major components as well as most of the receipts and after a year or two, really didn't need the detailed plan. Then you need to develop a budget of how much you expect to put into the car. This will be a seat of the pants deal as most here exceed those budget figures by lots!!! The reason being that prices go up, you change direction somewhat, then of course come the absolute screw ups. Without trying to knock the questions you have asked about spray guns, it sounds like there is a great amount of work you need to do before you paint. To build a credible car - you have to think in terms of a lot of money and several years of work. You can knock a car together in a year or so, but that's not the norm, particularly if you are starting with a 73 year old car, i.e. a'37 Ford. Take a look at this thread. Randy started with a very solid car with this thread beginning in Feb 2007. His car is still not together yet: http://www.clubhotrod.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29683

    This will give you a pretty good idea of the amount of work a solid car will take. My car, all new parts - everything - was begun in 2001 and licensed and driven this past July 1, 2010. No major body work as it is a Brookville repro, the chassis is a TCI, no junk yard engine as it's a Ford crate, tranny or diff new or freshly rebuilt.

    We will help as much as we can without being hands on - these guys here and another site really helped me when I had a question, no matter what.
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  7. #37
    lotsatoys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    The paint shop in town also will fill rattle cans. That would make it easier to do door openings, and around the door and small areas. They also sell a rattle can clear coat. I saw some guns on ebay for around $130. Whatever I pick.. I will show you guys, and gals first..
    More experienced painters will confirm or rebuke, but I've found that using different types of guns for a single job can be a bad idea. I tried to use one of those little arosol powered jar sprayers once to touch up a bug smear after cleaning my regular gun once, and found that it layed the paint down so differently that it was impossible to blend in. I ended up respraying the whole panel with my regular gun.

    Last edited by lotsatoys; 12-03-2010 at 10:42 PM. Reason: clarify

  8. #38
    slantback37's Avatar
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    Well lets see.. The car will be a weekend driver, and cruise nights. Done the car shows before. I will be able to enter the small ones we have here, but unlikly. I bought the car 4 years ago. I pretty much worked on it every day. I don't like to talk about all of the money I have spent on it so far. I know that you can't really build a car for under $10,000. I have passed that already. Might be between $11-13,000 so far. As far as where I am now is.. I still have to take a few dents out of the fenders. Have to figure out weather to run bumpers or not. Need glass, need to build the interior, a little more wiring is needed, and paint. The interior will be done over the winter. I have the door panels cut to fit the doors. I have 10 yards of black and 5 yards of gray suede material. I have closed cell foam, and glue. The car runs, and most of the mechanical stuff is done. So what should have been a 6 or 7 year build is turning into 5 or 6 year build. I guess the main reason to get done is getting the car done before I can't do that kind of work anymore.. Hands just don't want to work anymore.. I will put up where I started, and where I am now.. Al
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  9. #39
    rspears's Avatar
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    Do it! Summit has several guns in the $100 range, and when you look at what you save doing it yourself that's a bargain. Eastwood is another, but also consider your local independent paint shop. Stay away from the "too good to be true" deals and buy a decent gun that you can get parts for if you need them, including tips. You don't have to spend three, four or five hundred to get a decent gun - they are designed for the guy that's using it day in, day out, week after week; or for the guy who plans to build several cars; or the guy that simply wants the best.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  10. #40
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    Yes. I am looking at a few on ebay now. I will send a link to a couple of them I am looking at.. Al

  11. #41
    islandsmith is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    spray guns


    i spray all of my paint with a hvlp from napa. paid just under 200 for it and i love it. They have a sale on one model that comes with 3 tips. Merry Christmas to me!

  12. #42
    34_40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    Yes. I am looking at a few on ebay now. I will send a link to a couple of them I am looking at.. Al
    Slantback, look for a PM from me.

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