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Thread: faux woodgraining

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  1. #1
    coronetrt is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    faux woodgraining


    i have been wanting to "woodgrain" some interior pieces.
    i have been on alot of sites & found lots of tips but no
    complete instructions. some say they use lacquer,some
    say they use latex paint. has anyone on here actually
    done any woodgraining paint? i have rollers to create the
    look& several other items to make the grain look. i have
    tried several ways to do the grain but when i try my grain
    never looks like woodgrain just a piece of SHI*. any
    real help would be appreciated. thanks BILL

  2. #2
    34_40's Avatar
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    I also want to do some wood graining. I found a couple of videos on Youtube that show applying a covering (vinyl?) with a heat gun. I'm thinking this may give me better results than painting it on. But, I'm still undecided.

  3. #3
    robot's Avatar
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    did you look at this page?


  4. #4
    1gary is offline Banned Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I don't know,but given the shine I would guess there is some urethane involved.
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  5. #5
    stovens's Avatar
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    I've done some touch up work on older cabinets for radios(1930's) where I was able to copy the chipped laminate grain with a black felt pen. It came out well enough that nobody notices the chiped out areas unless I point them out. As to doing a whole piece, there is definately an art to it. I've been in old Victorian houses where faux graining was everywhere, and beautiful. Might try some antique sites? Everything I've ever seen is laquered over with a gloss or semi gloss finish.
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  6. #6
    rspears's Avatar
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    I've seen some demo's on faux graining using a base color and then using a "strie technique" (dragging) with a darker color adding the grain effect. Seems to me that some of the old techniques used a big feather after laying down a straight pattern of darker grain to add detail, or even did it line by line using small detail brushes? House painters use the technique a lot on the inner side of metal exterior doors to blend in with the trim. The main thing is to not over work the paint - you have to lay down the detail, get it right in a pass or two and let it dry. There's lots of information out there, google "woodgrain painting technique" or "faux woodgrain painting" and work past the kits for sale to find instructions and tips.
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  7. #7
    OHMY34's Avatar
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    I have done the granish moldings on the inside of my 36. it was not to bad it just depens on the style of the wood you want. I have to work tonight, will try to put up some pictures tomorrow or friday. Jonathan

  8. #8
    stovens's Avatar
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    Bill is there anyway to use real wood, vs. painting? Or are these hard to shape interior parts? A friend recently used birdseye maple to make a beautiful dash on a custom job. Some of these older vehicles just have flat panels that aren't too hard to make your own replacements, but once you get into complex curves, forget it!
    Last edited by stovens; 12-29-2011 at 10:48 AM.
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  9. #9
    cffisher's Avatar
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    with real wood you tend to run into clearance problems for the trim
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  10. #10
    kiwirodder's Avatar
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    here are some photos of woodgraining I have done on some truck dashboards that we convert to right hand drive.
    I did these with air brush and sponge, rag,and small paint brush. and all done in basecoat and clear coat.

  11. #11
    stovens's Avatar
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    That's some nice work Kiwirodder!
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