Thread: need tech tip bad scratches??
03-31-2004 08:44 PM #1
need tech tip bad scratches??
-- I'm helping a friend fix up his its a 95 integra. the body its self is good but someone tried to paint it with rattle can, half of the body is black and all of it is grinded with a 40 - 80 grit? what should I do? we are going to use omni products because thats all he has $$$. Should i primer (epoxy-primer-sand-seal) it until scrathches go away or what can I do? thanx for the time.
-- What is the mixture on the resin for fiber glass repair the hardner Ive read how to lay it down cut a 20 degree angle and damp the mat in it and flaten the bubbels but i don't under satand how to do it successfully or decent and how much should I wait for it to be sanded.?
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03-31-2004 09:30 PM #2
Re: need tech tip bad scratches??
Originally posted by recent-less
-- I'm helping a friend fix up his its a 95 integra. the body its self is good but someone tried to paint it with rattle can, half of the body is black and all of it is grinded with a 40 - 80 grit? what should I do? we are going to use omni products because thats all he has $$$. Should i primer (epoxy-primer-sand-seal) it until scrathches go away or what can I do? thanx for the time.
I would sand the scratches out rather than fill them with primer. If you fill the scratches with primer they will come back when the primer cures (Shrinks). You may be able to fill them with feather fill. It's sorta like sprayed on body filler / primer with hardener. Still like to just get rid of the scratches rather than cover them tho.
-- What is the mixture on the resin for fiber glass repair."PLAN" your life like you will live to 120.
"LIVE" your life like you could die tomorrow.
John 3:16
03-31-2004 09:40 PM #3
Pro covered the glass part so here my opinion on the sanding/grinding scratches......i would sand down to the scratches then cover all the scratched areas with a "skim" coat of filler or spot putty to fill all the deep scratches.
Then use a good quality "filling" type of primer made by 3M and that should take care of most the scratches.
And i feel your pain budi had a 66 gto that looked like someone used 36 grit on a grinder to remove the was a scary sight and a pain in the A$$ to smooth.
good luckSomewhere out on Woordward ave. cruzin!
04-01-2004 05:50 AM #4
If it was me, I would get a DA sander with some 150 grit and sand the areas with it to smooth out the grinding scratches. if they left any paint in these areas you will need to feather the paint edge also so it wont leave an edge .
Omni makes a quality primer in its product line i think,(been awhile since i even used it) stay with all compatiable products, dont mix brands when it comes to primer, paint & clear!!!!!
Prime area with 3-4 coats of primer , let sit for 24 hours. wet block with 400 grit , wipe dry, seal & paint .
Your areas that you are doing the glass work at might want to prime then, block sand dry with 220 grit, then reprime , wet sand 400 , then seal and paint.
04-02-2004 04:59 PM #5
thanx fellas for the information I appreciate it. I'll follow your tips. I'll see how it comes out. All I need to fix is a front part of a bumper its about 10 in long. I bought the evercoat fiber glass kit I'll put a few drops, I play with it and hopefully I wont trash it. for the car it sound like a mission but with the info I'll pull through. I'll let you guys know if it looks good.
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