Thread: Body Filler
12-19-2004 09:01 PM #16
I have a back panel that I was working on taking a ton of dents out spending hours on and then hit one area and a huge chunck 2 inches thick fell off and I saw that there is a hole where the rust was all the way through and the guy formed the bondo to look like fender basically but still have metal shape to it but all eaten up and brittle, it is about a 6 inch diameter hole and some in other area's. I wan't to repair it and was going to cut it out and make another almost half of a fender and was wondering if anyone know what kind of cardboard you use to make templates that will bend good, etc?
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
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12-19-2004 09:23 PM #17
Rice Krispy cereal box!!!!!!
12-20-2004 11:04 AM #18
Does it got to be rice Krispys? Haha, thanks man that's not a bad idea. What if I need something bigger though than a ceriel box which I won't but just
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
12-20-2004 11:51 AM #19
what do you use the card board for? just to keep the bondo from falling out then take it off?
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12-20-2004 12:34 PM #20
It takes all kinds!
A buddy just bought an old Nash from the estate of a former plasterer.
The rear fender had been dented and filled with PLASTER then painted!
Funny thing looked pretty good!
Here's another tip: My brother, would use "Great Stuff" foam sealant for gapping holes, shape it with a cheeze grater then apply a coat of body filler over that. It worked!
12-20-2004 02:29 PM #21
Thanks CSF. Truckguy, the cardboard is for making a new panel or fender like cutting the rust out and making your own panel, you use the cardboard for a mark up or whatever you like to call it and copy it exactly like the fender and then shape the metal too look like the cardboard template. Understand? I don't know if I explained that very well but tried. It's better than just going out and try making the metal shaped like the fender and all because if you screw up then that will waste the metal and money. Also if you got a curve or anything like my rear fender is rounded and then in the back where the fender bolts up to the body it's a flat panel, you can't really judge how big of a FLAT piece of metal to cut so you form the cardboard around the fender and make it look the same then cut it out blah blah and then lay it back flat on the sheet metal and do it over again with the metal. Whew that was
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
12-20-2004 02:49 PM #22
didn't know if you guys had seen this thread or not ?
" if so .... it's worth a second look "Last edited by treekiller; 12-20-2004 at 02:53 PM.
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If your wondering how I'm doing I'm > " I'm still pick'N up the shinny stuff and passing open windows"
12-20-2004 05:16 PM #23
oh so all you use the card bourd for is to figure out what shape of metal right? what if it needs a bend in it or some thing?
i seen my uncle cut off some cardbourd like that but he didnt call it a template.
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12-20-2004 09:35 PM #24
make your own bondo
begining of this thread asked for best brand of body filler but strayed a little. You can make you own body filler for 1/2 the cost and will be 5 times better without shrinkage or other problems. I make our own filler out of VinylEster Fiberglass resin (cheap ACE HDW or other store brand will shrink a little) and mix in Micro bubbles and fumed silica 1/2 & 1/2 then added to resin . You can make as thick or thin as needed. It will last in a covered can for long time if no hardner is added or contaminated with hardner. UP SIDE is cheap $$ at high quality, low shrinkage, won't crack, lasts for ever . DOWN SIDE is sands hard when set up but can file green pretty easyJeff C.
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