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Thread: paint for metal

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  1. #1
    davidpum is offline CHR Junior sMember Visit my Photo Gallery
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    paint for metal


    Hello everyone,
    Who can advise me any affordable paint for metal? I’m going to paint the wheels. The colour I want to take is red. If you have tried something similar, please share your thoughts. I worry about dust in my garage. So it is better to have a paint that will not dry too long.

  2. #2
    Matthyj's Avatar
    Matthyj is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Dave, If you are going to do wheels you might check your local powder coater, the price will be cheaper, more durable and easier than spraying yourself. As for cheap paint, 2 quarts cost usuallly close to a gallons cost, plus activator, reducer and thinner for cleanup and then possibly a clear coat you would have quite a bit laid down in cash. Our local powder coater does wheels in 1 day, and inside the rim is done so as to not rust as well he even takes them down to the local tire shop and has the tires put baclk on for you expect to pay 30-45 per wheel which is cheaper than paint! A million colors also. Best of luck Matt
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  3. #3
    davidpum is offline CHR Junior sMember Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matthyj View Post
    Dave, If you are going to do wheels you might check your local powder coater, the price will be cheaper, more durable and easier than spraying yourself. As for cheap paint, 2 quarts cost usuallly close to a gallons cost, plus activator, reducer and thinner for cleanup and then possibly a clear coat you would have quite a bit laid down in cash. Our local powder coater does wheels in 1 day, and inside the rim is done so as to not rust as well he even takes them down to the local tire shop and has the tires put baclk on for you expect to pay 30-45 per wheel which is cheaper than paint! A million colors also. Best of luck Matt
    Thanks Matt,
    I purchased this can https://www.mrosupply.com/paint-pain...901000_krylon/ in the hardware. I want to try one wheel rim at first and I will see the result. If it will not be good or the paint will be easy to scratch I will bring it to the powder shop. I just want to minimize my expenses. But if I fail, I will go to professionals.

  4. #4
    chopt50wgn is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I totally agree with Matt..............using a spray can is an easy way to go also the cheapest. But you will have scratches down the road and if the wheels are not prepared properly, then it surely will chip or flake off . To spray it correctly, you should go with what Matt said about paint, activator etc.
    I just paid $140 for a gallon of primer with activator.....................take them to be powdered..........it will last and be less expensive in the long run.

  5. #5
    MP&C's Avatar
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    Regardless of whether you paint or powder coat, I'd recommend a good media blasting to give your coating a good bite. Here's what I sprayed the other night, they were media blasted, then two coats of SPI epoxy on the back side. Tomorrow I'll prime the outside and then add the color..

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  6. #6
    rspears's Avatar
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    On my old beater truck the wheels were getting pretty rusty so I spent most of a day sanding them down with an orbital sander, getting them as clean as I could, then rattle can primed them using one of the one part etching Auto Primers, then top coated them. Now about 18 months later they're starting to get a little rusty again.... There's cheap, and there's value. You've gotten three pieces of very good advice about prep and finish.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

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