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Thread: Body work, bondo, and babes!

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    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Body work, bondo, and babes!


    Okay, not really any babes, but I liked the aliteration, and I thought it would ensure I got your attention. Worked, didn't it?

    As the years have gone by the argument over lead versus polyester filler (often called bondo, which is a trademarked name, but could be any brand) has diminished somewhat. In part it's likely that the older guys who learned how to use it when they were young, and when it was the best (only?) choice have been dying away. Some younger guys have chosen to master the art of the lead stick, but then, polyester filler has been with us almost 50 years now (I guess that makes it "geezer" filler, however you want to interpret that). Admittedly the early stuff had some serious limitations, but as with most any product, time and technology march on. Today's products work very well, despite the old wive's tales, as long as they are used properly.

    While searching the net for some other info I came across a good set of discriptive articles on how best to utilize polyester fillers and what proper and improper uses are to be used/avoided. Instead of trying to regurgitate it all here, or cut and paste, I'll post the link as it's fairly long and pretty detailed. So if you've ever wondered why polyester filler didn't work the way you thought it should, why the fiberglass work you did blew up, or why the filler work you did started bubbling after a few years, this will give you some insight. I especially appreciated his comments about sealing the BACK side of the repaired panel, as this has been one of my (many) pet peeves that I think is too often overlooked.

    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  2. #2
    vara4's Avatar
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    Bob you just taught me some thing new. I did'nt know about sealing the back of a repaired fenders but it makes good sence. I never took any body work classes, just mainly watched some friends. Did learn a few things on my own though, trail and error type deal. I did notice that some of the old cars I bought with bondo work done mostly poped out after a while, just like you said. So I used a fiber filler and treated the rust as well before doing any filler work. I guess thats why the old bondo was poping out, because the back of the fender was not sealed where they drlled holes to pull the dent out. the old bondo would act just like a sponge and absorb all the water it could and pop right out. I was wondering how that water was getting thru the paint, HE! HE! I fell like a real idiot now, Oh well live and learn. Now I'm going to have to say what I've learned in Bob's body class 101. thanks.

    ~ Vegas ~
    Last edited by vara4; 05-31-2004 at 02:41 PM.

  3. #3
    The F.N.G.'s Avatar
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    Thanks for the info!

    Man, I wish I would have read that before I would have started my last project. First time using bondo and it didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. Oh well, maybe now I'll be able to do it better.

    Technology is the answer.

  4. #4
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Re: Re: Body work, bondo, and babes!


    Originally posted by Streets
    I know the feelin' BBB"HH"Bob. Gettin' lax in yer old "Geezership" daze now?? hehehe Nice link..
    Well, actually it was time to do oil change and some PM on the lawn tractor, then cut the lawn. It's rained here everyday for a week, so it was way tall. Had to do a double cut to keep from clumping up the mulcher deck.

    Vegas, glad you got some useful info. I hate that hole in the sheetmetal, dent pulling stuff. Here's a link to another thread where we talked about a better way to not brutalize the tin. Also Spraytech had some good advice on spray equip. http://www.clubhotrod.com/forums/sho...ght=spitznagel

    Abe, practice, practice, practice. But it do help to start with the right products and procedures.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  5. #5
    SprayTech's Avatar
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    This is just a thought i had on this subject,
    The Plastic filler products today are way better today then the lead bars of today , as EPA, OSHA, and Health department , has gotten so involved with our automotive products that I would imagine the lead bars are so depleted of the unhealthy contenents of yesteryear that they would be of substandard. Plus the scientists that develope the primers , sealers , dont really design thier products for lead work.
    Its great that guys are trying their hands at learning how to work lead , but its a time consuming process, i did learn it and didnt like it at all as I could do it alot faster in bondo and it looked alot better too . it requires a few more tools to do in lead then with bondo also ,, Oxyacetylene torch, bees wax, an assortment of paddles for appling the lead, and assortment of vixen files.
    bondo, you need just a piece of cardboard to mix, 1-2 sizes of plastic spreaders , and a couple of blocks , and a couple of grits of sand paper.
    Ok thats more then a thought , and just my oppinion .

  6. #6
    shawnlee28's Avatar
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    DAGBURNIT little joe , aint no babes here!

  7. #7
    FMXhellraiser's Avatar
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    Thanks for that site and info Bob, just in time for my project I am doing. I haven't done the back or inside of the panels yet but it's still not too late to save the day. haha. I haven't read the whole thing yet but am going to here in a second after I eat. Got any paint tech sites to help me out?
    Shawnlee28, since there is no babes here I will post one up for you after I eat... heh

    If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!

  8. #8
    FMXhellraiser's Avatar
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    Is this what you were expecting? That was kind of hard to find one on here with her top ON because I know there's no nudity because geezers on here might get offended. Either that or jelious (sp).

    If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!

  9. #9
    FMXhellraiser's Avatar
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    Mmmhmm, look at that bondo.

    If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!

  10. #10
    FMXhellraiser's Avatar
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    You said what? You wan't one of my girlfriend? Ok, just don't tell her.
    Last edited by FMXhellraiser; 07-15-2004 at 01:17 PM.

    If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!

  11. #11
    shawnlee28's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


  12. #12
    FMXhellraiser's Avatar
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    I wish? Nah I don't need to wish. And just because she is 51 years old doesn't mean nothing. Haha just messing, a bit too old for me. Oh well.

    If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!

  13. #13
    shawnlee28's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


    Looks 51 years young to me!

  14. #14
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks for the link, Bob. Lots of good info there. Appreciate it.
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  15. #15
    hambiskit is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    wow....a lot to pick from, not really into training 'em anymore, and not sure if I could keep up with the 51 yr. old

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