07-08-2004 12:19 PM #1
Need advise on Some NASON PAINT...
Hey guys... I'm getting ready to do up a vehicle of mine and my customer wants to go cheap... we'll we have found a good single stage Urethane paint that is durable and will fight most chemicals such as gas. The color is Fireball Red Metallic. It is made by NASON PAINTS which is also a Dupont company. The price is 121.25 a gallon which is a good price for any color of red. As with most Single stage paints with Urethane it should have one nice glossy wet look.
>If you good painters out there would give me your feed back I would sure appreciate it.
>oh and my customer doesn't want to go with the expensive PPG concept paints. Well just give me all your thought
You can see the paint at the Ketone website you should just be able to time FUL-THANE PAINT into your search area. Thanks guys!!!!
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07-08-2004 06:36 PM #2
PPG also makes a low budget paint "OMNI" its an acrylic urathane.
I use it when im doing low budget projects, seems to hold-up very well.
just another option.
07-08-2004 08:12 PM #3
Hey 300;
I have found that Nason does not cover very well. You will need numerous coats to try and get a hamonius looking paint job. I have just finished a job in the color of "Intense blue pearl Met.", it is a 1999 Dodge blue and I had a horrible time trying to cover the old color and the primer. I applied 7 quarts to a full size extended truck, only to have to do it again after I applied the clear.
Next time I am paying the extra and using Cintarie,, well, maybe. I am considering primering the enitre vehicle next time before I paint so that I have the same base through-out.Objects in my rear view mirror are a good thing unless,.... they have red and blue lights flashing.
07-08-2004 08:56 PM #4
Its most wise to seal off the complete car if your doing a complete, so you have a uniform coverage!
Dont know about NASON Products , but you might check and see if they have a red tinted sealer so it will help on coverage.
Other then that good luck !
07-08-2004 11:36 PM #5
I second the use of omni coat by PPG. It is very cheap and does hold up well for the price and goes on very easy as basecoat clearcoat system. I haven't used it myself but a friend of mine has used it on numerous cars and trucks and I must admit it looks good and hold up good.
07-09-2004 12:26 AM #6
I have painted several cars with nason paint and it is hard to cover with but if you seal it first then mix 1/2 paint cup with mixing clear you will be amazed at the results. Good Luck!
07-09-2004 12:28 AM #7
That is on the final coat mix it "sorry"
07-09-2004 08:38 PM #8
i totally agree with big daddy on this one.. i paint alot where i work , and on the side sometimes for some spending cash. if ur gonna use the nason , i would put an ounce or two Less reducer in the first coat ( to help it cover). then after the car was totally covered with the first coat spray a coat like u normally would. then on the last coat mix it half clear " mix the clear as normal" ( ive found nason clear # 497-00 and cat. # 483-79 works really good) and as for the paint mix it with just a little reducer........ it also works with out the reducer...... i usually mix a full cup of clear and just add a few ounces of paint for tint on the first coat of clear. then one more coat of straight clear.
07-11-2004 02:06 PM #9
I like all the feed back I'm getting but the problem is I'm not going to use a clearcoat at all since it's a single stage URETHANE based paint. I still need more feedback my mind is still undecided and only have a couple days to figure it out. Thanks!!!!!
07-11-2004 02:59 PM #10
300 I think what carter is trying to tell you is how PPG reccomends on their DCC single Stage line of paint .
If you take their clear and mix like directions and then add it to the last coat of Mixed paint , this will help on Color hold out .But their DCC is usually a high solids and coverage is excellent.
I Have done this alot with good results.
I re read your first post and if its Your car , why is a customer paying for the paint ?
And like usual you will always get what you pay for. Cheaper isnt always the best way to go .
I have never figured out why a guy would spend thousands of dollars fixing a car , and then skimp on the paint.
Remember if you mess up with single stage you will have to wait and re do the mess ups, with base clear you can let the base dry for a few minutes and sand out your BOO BOO and keep on spraying , and if you get a run in the clear keep spraying & you can sand it lightly when dry and buff it out , no re -painting.
I dont know how good you are behind a spray gun so I guess its up to you , you are the painter.
07-12-2004 04:08 PM #11
Thanks SPRAY TECH for the feed back, I'm also happy that you can catch typing errors..... My guy said he wants to go the old traditional way since it will be in alot of car shows. And SPRAY TECH did you know that in most (OLDER MODEL) car shows you can lose points for using two stage paints, when actually their were only single stage paints then..... That is why my CUSTOMER want to use a URETHANE HIGH GLOSS paint. thanks again
07-12-2004 04:29 PM #12
Well if you knew all this, then why ask for advice?
You seem to be the PRO !!!
If your building a concourse restoration might as well put the cheap stuff on it!
I'm not that anal retentive with " if it had this paint type on it thats what it has to be " BS.
Now I see why streets is the way he is around here.
and by the way anything under 1980 had ACRYLIC ENAMEL not UREATHANE so i guess if you put uerathane on its still not rightLast edited by SprayTech; 07-12-2004 at 04:34 PM.
07-13-2004 07:26 AM #13
LOL- you got to love it,
NO NASON PAINT IS CRAP... there you get it?? I shoot a lot of paints, and I wouldn't put it on my lawnmower.
If you want to go with A.E. then use Dextron from PPG, and by the way....have you ever shot any Enamels?? Good Luck..LOLJim
07-13-2004 10:09 AM #14
now that's funny...where'd you get that from Streets??Jim
07-25-2004 01:01 PM #15
Well I have decided to go with PPG Concept paint with a PPG Epoxy primer also.
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