Thread: Help with finding a color
07-17-2004 07:07 PM #1
Help with finding a color
Hey guys...I'm getting close to going to paint with my convertiblized Studebaker pickup, and I still haven't settled on a color. Basic intent was to go a bright almost "neon" green...something that is really bold, kind of says "hey, this is something a bit out of the ordinary!". Trouble is, with greens, a little wrong in color and shade can go from wow to ugh pretty easy.
I've looked at the early 70's Challenger green, Kawasaki green, just about ever chip in the local auto supply's catalog, and still can't really find what it is I'm looking for. The closest I've come is a sweet rig by Warren Motorsports at the following link:
Anybody got any idea what that color is, or what company makes one very similar?
What's your opinions on that color for this rig? More pics can be seen throughout the past 4 months construction at
A couple of pics show a sample I had mixed up last's close to what I had in mind, but still not giving me the "yep, that's the one" feeling...
Another question...I'm a metal worker, not a painter. The friend that I'm having do the final 10% on the body work and actually painting is encouraging me to go with at base coat/clear coat. Claims it is a better looking finish. Thing is, while I'm doing my best to do a professional job on this, it is not built to be "show quality"...that's not what I had in mind. I wanted something I could take to town just for fun; run down the 12 miles of gravel road to the hiway without worrying about what's happening to my paint. This thing isn't going to be "hauled" anywhere, I'm building it to drive and have fun with. That said, is there any good reason to not use what I assume would be a more ecomonical acrylic enamel on it? Is there enough difference in the final appearance of the BC/CC and the acrylic that it would justify the extra labor and material costs? Is the durability/fade resistance any different? 'Preciate any input...
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07-17-2004 07:19 PM #2
I am pretty sure that is House of Kolor color.
Might look over their site:
I am not sure of the name of the color but have seen it in person , and its diffinately bright!
Lamborghini has a real bright Yellow Pearl & Pearl Orange that really POPS. Go to an automotive paint store and look at the chip books in 2000-2004 Lamborgini, and see what you think of those. They may even have a House of Kolor chip book you can look at also.
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