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Thread: PPG Epoxy primer???

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  1. #1
    300 straight's Avatar
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    PPG Epoxy primer???


    Hey guys, I was wandering what I would have to do to use PPG Epoxy primer. How much would I need to paint a full size f-250 truck, reg. cab. Do I need to sand it after I spray it??? what?? I have decided to spray a PPG Concept paint over that. Give me your thoughts please.

  2. #2
    SprayTech's Avatar
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    Go here and read all about the product!!!
    Scroll down till you see DPLF series Epoxy Primers.

    It might not hurt to get the P-sheet from the Paint Jobber you get your paint from.


  3. #3
    300 straight's Avatar
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    Thanks- Spray Tech and sorry about the differences we had before. We both have our "MANLY" pride is all. Thanks!!!

  4. #4
    SprayTech's Avatar
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    I understand 300 and no hard feelings.

    Hope that site helps you out.


  5. #5
    300 straight's Avatar
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    Hey Spray tech I'm using the PPG Concept on my latest project and heard that it is good stuff. I was wandering if you could email me some pictures of some vehicles that you sprayed the DCC line on. If you have any at all. I thought about the deltron and global but really like the Concept single stage idea. Well send me what you got!!

  6. #6
    PureC4's Avatar
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    SprayTech, I'm new to this forum and currently working on a project with my 11 year old son. Wants it to be his car, so he wants it to have the black primer look. I know primer will not last as a paint. Have been told that "John Deere tractor Blitz black will give us that look. Have you ever heard of this. What would your recomend, would like to try and paint it ourselves (a first) Thanks

  7. #7
    hambiskit is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    If you want a sandable primer-sealer, then Transtar's "ultra" line works great. Just read the directions on the back, get a bucket, and do it. It will take a gallon to do the truck- the same amount for paint, as long as you don't spill. I would get an extra quart on paint to be on the safe side.

  8. #8
    shawnlee28's Avatar
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    Also for the black look i have seen guys have the black primer and have sealer added to the primer to get better protection and have heard of usin the blitz black too!
    Its gunna take longer than u thought and its gunna cost more too(plan ahead!)

  9. #9
    hambiskit is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    It comes in black, and IS a sealer

  10. #10
    300 straight's Avatar
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    Hey how do u become a senior club hot rod member?

  11. #11
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Originally posted by 300 straight
    Hey how do u become a senior club hot rod member?
    You don't have a life................so you can post here a lot!!
    (But actually just 100 posts does it)
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  12. #12
    SprayTech's Avatar
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    I dont have any pics of the vehicles I have shot with concept as I dont keep a camera at work.

    I used to have some pics of some custom work I did years ago , but I think they got threw out when I got married when the wife helped with my packing , if I still have them I have no clue where they would be .

    I will give you some information on how PPG reccomends spraying concept.
    You can add copatiable Mixed clear into your mixed color to make it go farther , or you can add mixed clear into your last coat of color for added UV protection.

    what I mean by this is mix your color per directions , then mix your clear per directions and then add clear to color.
    I will also tell you Concept has a delayed flow action to it , looks like its going on pealy, but give it a few seconds and it should flow nice.
    I am writing up a deal to post here on GUN TIPS.
    It will give you the reccomended sizes for different materials .
    Every Paint product has its best gun settings for Sparying their products.


  13. #13
    Don Meyer is offline Moderator Visit my Photo Gallery
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    We will be looking forward to your gun tips. That's something that I have not seen before.
    I'm using a Sata for every type of paint except DP however, I think I preper a model 7 for DCC.
    Don Meyer, PhD-Mech Engr(48 GMC Trk/chopped/cab extended/caddy fins & a GM converted Rolls Royce Silver Shadow).

  14. #14
    shawnlee28's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


    We would all be apreciative for the spray gun thing especially me!!as i limit my posts to the most difficult questions as not to overload the helpin hand!!! thnx
    Its gunna take longer than u thought and its gunna cost more too(plan ahead!)

  15. #15
    SprayTech's Avatar
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    Don , That sata should spray DCC excellent if you have the correct air cap and fluid nozzle and needle.
    I spray concept with a 1.6 Accuraspray all the time and get great results.
    It will also help on saving paint consumption using the HVLP Sata . that binks & will flat go through the material beings you need alot more air pressure to get it to atomize it and get it to flow.

    In my gun tips I think I mentioned the new high solids are formulated to the New HVLPS , but not quite in those words.

    Some of these new guns sip the paint instead of hosing it on ..LOL

    I used to use a Pressuer cup Mattson gun and has been rebuilt 3 times since 1988 and its so wore out it its not worth rebuiling again, but that gun I could paint a regular cab long bed pick up with 3 quarts sprayable color , that was 3 coats too.
    I miss using that gun too, but it takes a mountain or CFM's too !!!!!! It would give an air compressor a work out ...LOL
    Last edited by SprayTech; 07-30-2004 at 09:28 PM.

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