Thread: spray primering my ford
09-05-2004 02:57 PM #1
spray primering my ford
when low on cash is spray primering a ok way to go an how long will it hold up. i dont want a glossy look i want a flat black primer color any comments will help an details on how to do this task thanks
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09-05-2004 03:14 PM #2
sray primering my ford
there is only minor rust an one spot has a lil more but what should i do about the rust is there any rust treatment in a can youcould suggest ? ? ? ? ?
most rust is surface rust that could be sanded also
09-05-2004 03:54 PM #3
If it were me i would sand off all the surface rust till its clean bare metal. if you have any pitting i would get all of the loose flacky corrosion off with a wire brush/wheel mini sand blaster and apply a rust encapsulator ( this can be scuffed and painted over with primer surfacer. as for your primer issue i would consider using a good urathane primer(not hard to spray or you could get a local shop to shoot it. by the time you spend all that money on can primer you could have paid for the materials for a good long lasting primer base for your project. hope this helps
09-15-2004 11:11 AM #4
A good gallon of primer is about 75 to 150 and any good paint supplier will mix sealer in for u this doesnt help the sandin but it seals ur ride this is what all the kids are usin for the primer look just remember to have them mix sealer in with it and it will last as long as the primer will look good by the time the sealer uvs out the primer will look poopy anyway!Its gunna take longer than u thought and its gunna cost more too(plan ahead!)
09-15-2004 07:02 PM #5
just a suggestion is to make sure to have your vehicle preped well(sanded) before primeing. I have found that Napa have a good primer that works well. I think it cost around $22.00 per gallon andd you will have to buy thinner to mix with it . You can get both for about $42.00. Have fun while enduring your project.cre
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