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Thread: Ford parts

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  1. #1
    thesals's Avatar
    thesals is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 66 mustangFB, 69 econline Drag Van

    Ford parts


    looking for 8.8 rearend 5 lug axle shafts, looking for 5 lug spindles that fit a 66 mustang(preferably disc) and i'm also looking for a v8 radiator for the 66 mustang, if it needs to be cored/repaired, thats cool... thanks

  2. #2
    Ives Bradley's Avatar
    Ives Bradley is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 49 Ford tudor

    what yr. 8.8 rear and what 5 lug axles do you need ? for 8.8 or 8 inch rear or 9 inch ? also the whole spindle off a granada will fit your car but you must get the ty rod end and adjuster too to make it bolt on. if you need a 8inch rear get the gran. rear too, goes right in. Ives redhotfrd
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  3. #3
    thesals's Avatar
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 66 mustangFB, 69 econline Drag Van

    i was told by someone my rearend was an 8.8 but i looked into it a lil more and it is an 8inch.... so it is the 8inch rear i'm lookin for.... i've tried finding a granada at 4 different junkyards, every granada i've found is already missing the axles and spindles.... i did find one with axels still, but somehow the drums were welded to the backing plates, i spent an hour trying to loosen them off with a pry bar and i had no luck.... i wish i bring my torch to the junkyard

  4. #4
    Ives Bradley's Avatar
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 49 Ford tudor

    thiesel you might as well take the whole rear from the gran. and when it is out it might be easier to get the drums off. the hardest way to deal with cars is out in the dirt. save all the parts as u take them off ans u will see it wont be to hard to get a good rear end as u will mostly use everything that comes with it except maybe the brakes. also if u find a maverick with 5 lug the rear and spindles work the same way. good luck and do it till u get good at it. Ives
    Choose your battles well===If it dont go chrome it

  5. #5
    Matt167's Avatar
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    If all else fails, all of those parts should be available reproduction through someplace like NPD. I don't think the 8.8 was used until the late 70's to early 80's, the 8" and 9" were around in the 60's, both the Falcon and the mustang used 8" rears in the 6cyl cars and some smaller v8 cars like the mustang and Falcon. As you probably know, most parts from a Falcon fit a mustang of the same year and vice versa so, I'm pretty shure that if you found a '64-'66 ( maby other years ) 5 lug Falcon, the spindles will interchange with your mustang, The Falcon V8 Radiator might be the same also and, the axles would be the same. As you probably know, the original Ford Mustang's were based on the Falcon Chassie, most all the suspension/ drivetrain components are the same and interchagable.
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  6. #6
    thesals's Avatar
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 66 mustangFB, 69 econline Drag Van

    thanks for the tips, i'm tryin to stick with used parts... repros are a lil expensive... take for instance the v8 motor mount brackets for my swap... $120 for a set of new ones, $60 for used, the $60 is still way pricey but at least i'll get my motor in there... and i'm thinkin if motor mount brackets cost that much, god knows what axels would cost repro, when i can get them from a local junkyard for $25 a piece

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