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Thread: GAS TANK WANTED Chevy Wagon 49-54

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  1. #1
    Buckeye Bowtie's Avatar
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 49 Chevrolet; 39 Buick Century;

    GAS TANK WANTED Chevy Wagon 49-54


    Gas Tank Wanted
    for a 1949-1954 Chevrolet WAGON or SEDAN DELIVERY.

  2. #2
    Buckeye Bowtie's Avatar
    Buckeye Bowtie is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 49 Chevrolet; 39 Buick Century;

    Thanks for trying to help out Streets. This particular gas tank is not remanufactured by any of the vendors I've checked with, including the links you posted. The only one close that they have are the 55 56 57 wagons, and those are different then the 49 in someway.
    Guess, there wasn't enough early wagons and demand for replacement tanks on this particular car to warrant these venders tooling up to punch these out.

    I may resort to having one of the tank restoration places see what they can do. The tank I presently have has a "baseball sized" hole in the upper corner of the tank, thats why I was trying to find another tank that may be in a little better shape to start with.

    I think I'll keep looking for awhile, so if anyone out there knows of a tank, please let me know. Thanks

  3. #3
    Buckeye Bowtie's Avatar
    Buckeye Bowtie is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Yeah, I may just have to check with Moyer. The only reason I want to keep this existing tank or find another one like it, is because on this wagon, it's sort of rectanglar shaped but has large almost like "half moon" shaped indents on both sides. One side to go around the differential and the other to go around the spare tire holder, which is under the floor in the back of the wagon. It's a rather unique looking tank. This shape gives it a nice tight fit.
    If it wasn't for wanting to keep the original spare tire carrier, I could just remove the carrier, take a measurement between the frame rails and put a tank in from, a sedan or something more common. But, heck that would be too easy ! lol

    At any rate, maybe we'll see what Moyer has to say.

    Thanks again

  4. #4
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Buckeye, just a wild flier here. Here's a picture of a '55-7 tank, looks like what you described. Now I know they're different bodies, but the tank design might not be that different. (?) I know that the '55-7 are reproduced. It might be worth a try to find one locally in your area and measure to compare.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  5. #5
    Buckeye Bowtie's Avatar
    Buckeye Bowtie is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 49 Chevrolet; 39 Buick Century;

    Hey thanks Bob. That certainly looks very very similar to the tank we have. It looks like the tank strap recesses are angled, where is ours are pretty much squared across, but that really would be a problem. I can't remember on a 55-57 which side the tank inlet is on, however if worse comes to worse that could be changed also. The gas inlet on the 49 is on the left (drivers side).
    Thanks for the input, possibly one of the reproduction companys could give me some measurements on 55-57 tanks.
    Appreciate the help.

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