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Thread: 1937 Ford running board covers

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  1. #1
    slantback37's Avatar
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    1937 Ford running board covers


    If any of you 37 Ford guys have gone to smooth running boards and have your old pair ( that are in good shape ) that are just hanging around in the garage.. I sure could use them.. Can't afford very much now, or I would have bought new ones. I have the running boards. Just need the covers.. Thanks.. Al

  2. #2
    randyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    If any of you 37 Ford guys have gone to smooth running boards and have your old pair ( that are in good shape ) that are just hanging around in the garage.. I sure could use them.. Can't afford very much now, or I would have bought new ones. I have the running boards. Just need the covers.. Thanks.. Al
    Bob Drake currently has the covers on sale for $188. Running Board Covers; fits - 1937-39 Standard Car
    "It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells

  3. #3
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by randyr View Post
    Bob Drake currently has the covers on sale for $188. Running Board Covers; fits - 1937-39 Standard Car
    ....or you can have pick up truck bed liner sprayed on, tho that wont be much cheaper then Bob Drake's unless you have a buddy at the shop.

    MAC's also has them in a kit:
    78-16450/1-C Running Board Covers - Rubber - Ford Passenger $200.00 KIT
    Dave W
    I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug

  4. #4
    slantback37's Avatar
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    Not looking for different ways of doing it. I qm looking for a set of original covers, or the replacements for around the price of shipping, and maybe a little more.

  5. #5
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    Not looking for different ways of doing it. I qm looking for a set of original covers, or the replacements for around the price of shipping, and maybe a little more.

    Good luck then - we (all that have responded to your posts) have given you advice here and elsewhere and there is always a push back. I understand trying to limit your costs, but there are certain items that are just not cheap. You might want to step back, see where you are financially and if this is going to take too much percentage of your home/family budget, perhaps now is not the time to do a car build, but to maybe store your car, do your planning, start to lay in parts as you can afford them and then do your car when those bucks aren't so near and dear. For myself, I just wont respond to your threads any longer!!!
    Dave W
    I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug

  6. #6
    slantback37's Avatar
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    Sorry. I guess I didn't state myself right. I wanted wnd old pair of board covers to check for clearence. I have like 3/8" of some sort of filler on the boards. I wanted to see if a I coild still run board covers, or do something else. I have the money. I just sold my aBlazer. I am buying all of my glass by the end of next week. Al

  7. #7
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    Sorry. I guess I didn't state myself right. I wanted wnd old pair of board covers to check for clearence. I have like 3/8" of some sort of filler on the boards. I wanted to see if a I coild still run board covers, or do something else. I have the money. I just sold my aBlazer. I am buying all of my glass by the end of next week. Al
    3/8" of "some sort of filler"?? C'mon Al, that's totally unacceptable!! Until you get those boards clean down to bare metal you have no idea what you have, or if they're even worth hanging!! Once you have a good base call Bob Drake and ask them for an accurate thickness on their replacement covers to see were you are on clearance. Then you can use anything stacked up to check your doors, from plywood to poster board. Why would you want to check clearances with someone else's old, worn out running board rubber?
    DA34GUY, randyr and IC2 like this.
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  8. #8
    slantback37's Avatar
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    Hey. I am doing my bodywork like Shine told me before. Do one part at a time. Just move slowly. When I bought my car. There was no frontend, or runningboards. I found all of it all over the place. The boards I bought from some guy on ebay. They have black paint on them. One looks like a original stamped board. The other looks like a repo. From the bottom they both look in great shape. I have no idea why the one I am working on now is 3/8" thick in one area all the way to 1/4" at the other edge. I found bondo so thick in some of the spots of the body by the rear fender that when I took out the dent something about 1 1/2" thick fell out. I am taking my time. Inside the rear fender and the area behind the tire I sprayed that liquid rubber on. Suspose to be a waterproof material. Like a undercoating, only alot lighter. When I get done with this running board I have the door to do, and then the cowl on this side. Then I put the wheels and tires on it. Fire it up. Back it out of the garage. Turn it around and back it in. Put it back up on blocks and start in again. I am doing it all myself. Upholestry, and paint I will do. Can't figure out frontend alinement. That someone else will have to do. I already wired it. All of these things I never knew how to do before. You people have told me how to do some of the things, along with a couple of guys on other sites and a friend all of the way across the country. I will get it done. It will just take alot of time. I may ask some dumb questions. So what. I am sure most of you have asked dumb questions before. If you don't want me on this site just say so, and I will leave.. Al

  9. #9
    34_40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    Hey. I will get it done. It will just take alot of time. I may ask some dumb questions. So what. I am sure most of you have asked dumb questions before. If you don't want me on this site just say so, and I will leave.. Al
    No worries Al. We've all asked our share of dumb questions! And like it was said a long time ago, the oly dumb question is the one you don't ask. This is how we learn. Some folks have shorter patience than others, no sweat like water off a ducks back, just keep working on your ride and doing the best you can. As long as your happy with the results, that's all that matters. You don't need to please anyone but yourself - right?

    So hang around and as always, thanks for sharing the project.
    NTFDAY likes this.

  10. #10
    rspears's Avatar
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    Al, no one's wanting you to leave. You just need to be clear in your communications so we know where you're headed and what you're asking. You made it sound like the running board has a bunch of unidentified junk on it, and that your plan is to leave it alone and throw a cover over it, especially after the first post asking for take-off covers. For me, I'll try to read more carefully in the future, and will only reply if I think I can help you get to the end point you want. Maybe more pictures to explain what you're doing would help? I don't know, but like Mike says, the only guy you need to please with your approach is you.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

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