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Thread: Looking for Ford 289 or 302

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  1. #1
    johnny knuckles is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Looking for Ford 289 or 302


    My friend's 289 blew up last night. Shattered a piston and put the connecting rod through the Cylinder wall. Water everywhere. Block is trashed, the connecting rod is trash. The Head took a good hit and at very least has a bent valve stem.

    We want to get him back up and running asap. Wondering if anybody out there has a 289 or 302 out there that needs a rebuild, or even just a block, crank, and head. Looking for something in Ohio, nearer columbus the better.

    Looking for something that needs some work, since he dumped most all of his available cash in this last motor just before it blew. He always helps us with garage space and lending tools. Would like to find him something soon.

    If you have anything, please let me know. I appreciate it. Thanks.


  2. #2
    55ranchwagon's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for Ford 289 or 302


    Originally posted by johnny knuckles
    My friend's 289 blew up last night. Shattered a piston and put the connecting rod through the Cylinder wall. Water everywhere. Block is trashed, the connecting rod is trash. The Head took a good hit and at very least has a bent valve stem.

    We want to get him back up and running asap. Wondering if anybody out there has a 289 or 302 out there that needs a rebuild, or even just a block, crank, and head. Looking for something in Ohio, nearer columbus the better.

    Looking for something that needs some work, since he dumped most all of his available cash in this last motor just before it blew. He always helps us with garage space and lending tools. Would like to find him something soon.

    If you have anything, please let me know. I appreciate it. Thanks.

    i wouldnt know of any places were you are located try ebay you shouldnt have a hard time finding a 302 i know a 289 would be hard to find in oklahoma 302s are like 350s a dime a dozen
    289 are harder to find good luck with your search

  3. #3
    Oldf100fordman's Avatar
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    I've got an 85 302 HO that was throttle body injected (read flat tappet cam) out of Lincoln Mark VII. No distributor or intake/injector.

    It has been setting for several years, but the last time I checked it was still not locked up. Wouldn't want a lot for it, but Colombus to western Iowa is a long ways.

    If your interested contact me by email. It's available in my profile.
    Last edited by Oldf100fordman; 10-18-2004 at 12:55 PM.
    Duane S
    On a quiet night you can hear a Chevy rust

  4. #4
    junkyardjeff's Avatar
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    There are a few 289s and 302s in a local junkyard that would be good for parts or to rebuild and I am in dayton.

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