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Thread: My definition of a ratrod

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  1. #1
    gasser t is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    My definition of a ratrod


    its just another type of hot rod, for example dodge has a charger and a demon two different class of cars. In my opioion i would think it must be hard to describe something you dont have or want or like. to me a ratrod is a piece of art, collecting old iron from god knows wear and putting them together to make a driveable car . example 27 t body , 32 chevy frame, 41 chevy headlights, 77 dodge motor, 76 ford rearend . takeing a old sign and making the floor but still be able to read what the sign says, that adds charactor to it, or leaveing the welds unground more charactor. Remember, this is my car what i think adds charactor is different then what you think adds charactor to yours. i never say its a olskool rod or trad. rod these also are a different styles of hot rods. So if the term rat rod is offensive it wasnt ment to be it was meant to describe a certain type of hot rod. It takes alot of integrity to have a ratrod, you only could know this if you had one or stood up for what a rat rod is

  2. #2
    Mike P's Avatar
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    And there in lies the difference.

    My definition of rat rod "........ poorly constructed and borderline OR totally unsafe vehicles or mehcanically un-road worthy (at the last show I was at there were more "rat rods" trailered in than driven). It's a question of workmanship rather than paint choice, upholestry or particular style......."

    Basically, you can add to that if it can't drive 150 miles without breaking down and won't pass a tech inspection at the drag strip it's heading to the Rat Rod catagory. You can add things like slapping together a bunch of structurally questionable/worn out parts (say a staight axel with worn out kinpins, or that "quality" used master cylinder that's put on as is or throwing a quick weld on a 50 year old cracked frame).

    Just because a car is in primer or even rusty, uses recycled parts and has a blanket for a seat cover doesn't make it a rat rod IMO.

    Things like "....takeing a old sign and making the floor but still be able to read what the sign says, that adds charactor...." May be a matter of opinion, but as long as the welds are good I could care less.

    On the other hand "....leaveing the welds unground more charactor......." While many people grind weld strictly for apperance sake the real reason to grind them is to insure you have a good weld and assist in preventing future stess cracks at the weld.

    It's a question of workmanship not style. If the car IS safe and road worthy then IMO it's not really a rat rod, no matter what the owner elects to call it.

    That being said yes there are some high dollar cars that would fit my catagory of Rat Rod, but so be it.

  3. #3
    Ives Bradley's Avatar
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    Maybe all those rat rods are trailered, so all u have to do is not look at em when u go to the shows. Im not interested in knitting so I dont pay any attention when people talk about it. Ha Ha.
    Choose your battles well===If it dont go chrome it

  4. #4
    gasser t is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Originally posted by Mike P
    And there in lies the difference.

    My definition of rat rod "........ poorly constructed and borderline OR totally unsafe vehicles or mehcanically un-road worthy (at the last show I was at there were more "rat rods" trailered in than driven). It's a question of workmanship rather than paint choice, upholestry or particular style......."

    Basically, you can add to that if it can't drive 150 miles without breaking down and won't pass a tech inspection at the drag strip it's heading to the Rat Rod catagory. You can add things like slapping together a bunch of structurally questionable/worn out parts (say a staight axel with worn out kinpins, or that "quality" used master cylinder that's put on as is or throwing a quick weld on a 50 year old cracked frame).

    Just because a car is in primer or even rusty, uses recycled parts and has a blanket for a seat cover doesn't make it a rat rod IMO.

    Things like "....takeing a old sign and making the floor but still be able to read what the sign says, that adds charactor...." May be a matter of opinion, but as long as the welds are good I could care less.

    On the other hand "....leaveing the welds unground more charactor......." While many people grind weld strictly for apperance sake the real reason to grind them is to insure you have a good weld and assist in preventing future stess cracks at the weld.

    It's a question of workmanship not style. If the car IS safe and road worthy then IMO it's not really a rat rod, no matter what the owner elects to call it.

    That being said yes there are some high dollar cars that would fit my catagory of Rat Rod, but so be it.
    why do you rewrite what i say you asked and i gave my def. my welds are good and the parts i use are good enough said cant fight a losing battle with you its all IMO

  5. #5
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    you say "to me a ratrod is a piece of art"

    Then I say a junkie rat rod belongs in an art show. If the art is going down the road, then it needs to be safe and presentable.
    check my home page out!!!

  6. #6
    gasser t is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    You just keep on i explain one thing and then i have to explain it another way. i thought actually thought this forum was trying to help but all it did was confine fellow ratrodders to one place so you can belittle and and torment even more. you can say your not and call me a baby or whatever or drug addict or all the other names lve been called here. im not saying any more i told mrmustang i wouldnt. this issue is way beyond the word ratrod. this getting into dealing with people not just ratrods

  7. #7
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Huh???? All I asked is why a rat rod proves the owner has integrity........ Just a question, I don't understand the rationale behind your statement is all....Sorry
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  8. #8
    Joey Baird is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thumbs up Great Description of a Rat Rod


    Great way to explain a rat rod Gasser. It does take someone with a good eye to bring a good rat rod together. Not everyone can pull it off. They are generally rough, so style and personality has to take over. All that matters is if the owner likes it. Other than that who cares. JB

  9. #9
    Brent L is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I think shops are scared of this growing trend..the cars can be safe. just like any other car bolts need tightend..i haven't seen
    any rat accidents and if they brake all the time theres not enough time to crash...its about having fun.
    ART SHOW?..thats what all hot rods are
    smoke the tires light the fires and make grandama cry

  10. #10
    steinsmith is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    when I look at shiney hot rods that you feel bad sitting in, I put them in the same boat as the "bling" cars that stupid rappers and basketball players buy.

    Rat Rods fit my lifestyle. Don't get me wrong. I love car shows. And I LOVE looking at hot rods. I also love looking at ferraris and Lambos. But the price you pay when there is a scratch on it or god forbid, drive it in the rain!! I drive my cars. I don't build things to sit in the garage just to polish weekly.

    Rods focus on craftsmanship. Anyone putting together an unsafe vehicle or one that can't make to the next state, is pointless. NOT ART. I like a car, I can be rough on and if I bang something into it in my garage, I'm not gonna loose my mind.

    Rat Rods - Gauranteed your wife will not approve.

  11. #11
    gasser t is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    wife wife does approve, how cools that

  12. #12
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    But the price you pay when there is a scratch on it or god forbid, drive it in the rain!! I drive my cars. I don't build things to sit in the garage just to polish weekly.
    Neither do I. There's the common misconception. Just because I completely finish my car with lots of detail, I'm afraid to drive it or get it wet? Wrong-o. I drove this car just about every day I owned it. I didn't polish it every week, and God didn't forbid me to take it out in the rain. I didn't drive it in a blizzard - that's what I have a 4WD for. I'm not inclined to abuse my vehicles - but I'm not afraid to drive them either.

    Not only that, there are a LOT of rodders like me out there - and on this board. A finished car is not synonymous with "trailer queen." I find it curious that many of the rat rodders disagree with having their rides lumped into one category, but are willing to categorize all finished rods as "trailer queens."

    - I have yet to find a shiny rod that I feel bad sitting in.
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  13. #13
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    Could be, although it was second gear. A 454 (030 over) with a toploader and a 4.10 locker occasionally does that if you put the right parts in the motor.


    Gone to Texas

  14. #14
    northcarolinada's Avatar
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    hmm i need a heavier car.. second gear sometimes means cleaning out the pants... especially on the older roads..
    <~~~~ yes thats my car..mmhhm its steel..( what else is there?)


  15. #15
    FMXhellraiser's Avatar
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    Talking about trailor queens.... What is up with these so called Rat Rods being trailored to shows? I thought these people DRIVE them and abuse em? I like to take care of my car though. I don't mind the flat colored paints like the flat metallic greens and blues but I gotta say, that isn't how they built them back then. That still bugs me when rat rod guys say this and they also catagorize traditional rods with rat rods.
    Anyways, my main reason to post this was to say, where are all the rat rod pics? Am I missing another thread here or something? I'd like to see some of your own rat rods. Oh and no I am not being a smart ass or sarcastic, I don't mind looking at some of these cars. To tell you the truth, I have seen a few good looking ones that I would not catagorize as rat rod but as traditional rods and their nice shiney flake jobs. Man I love flake and pearls.

    If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!

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