Thread: question about a 30's rat rod
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10-24-2006 09:04 AM #16
Hey before everybody gets there panties in a wad again i think theres some issues that need to be discussed , first off this it is no secret that this forum has always been, for the most part anti rat rod, and for good reason, also it might not be apparent ,but it took alot of work to get the moderators to even consider making a spot for us on here, i like to think that me and a few others like don, even though he claims hes not a rat rodder, i think deep down inside he is, but through alot of explaining, and alot of discussion, we made some progress here, then it never fails whenever a new ratter joins it turns into a huge mess, usually buy somone making a statment like barely legal to start things off, that does nothing to convince theses guys that not all rat rods are junk, yes i know some of these guys are oppinionated, but you also got to see that alot of them have been in this game for 40-50 years, what we as young guys dont see is they have and still do fight for our right to build these cars at the goverment level and they dont need us messing up 30 years of progress, im sure guys like techinspector have witnessed many young guys die cause of shitty building practices, just listen some time, you might learn alot, then go out and build a bad assed, balls to the wall, in your face hot rod from hell, but do it safe, so we all can keep building them, when i first joined i to was arrogant and butted heads, but you know what in the year ive been a member ive learned more than i could have imagined, ive posted a few pics and have not had anybody degrade my car, once bob made a comment about my firewall looking substandard, you know what he was right, i pondered on it for a couple of weeks, then fixed it, they know what there talking about, just a thought
I wore a camouflage T-shirt once. The response in the pub was "Oooh, it's a floating head!" .
the Official CHR joke page duel