Quote Originally Posted by BatOuttaHell
Sorry, I obviously don't belong here. I am going to go and start a Rat Rod forum. After searching the web, I have foud there is not really much out there. I don't see any one in here having any fun except the rat hater's.
Mr. 3 post

Bat: I mean this post to be totally positive, and I hope you take it that way.

Here is the problem. In of itself, there is nothing wrong with a rat rod or a rat rodder. I, and a lot of other guys on here have said how much we can appreciate the creativity and refreshing styles some of them exhibit. HOTRODPAINT did a thread awhile back, where he came right out and said what he liked about rat rods, and he requested that that thread remain positive and not deteriorate into a bashing of them. And for the most part, it didn't, and many very nice comments were made supporting them.

The cars I grew up with in the '50's actually looked a lot like what rat rodders are trying to recreate today. Maybe in some places like California the hot rods were all chromed and shiny, but not in my neighborhood. We primered them with Sears vacuum cleaners (every vacuum in the '50's came with several attachments, and one of them was a spray gun !!) We cut coils to get them low, we swapped in engines with cobbled up motor mounts, and did the best we knew how, but the cars were still pretty crude, for the most part.

So we don't have a problem with rat rods per se, but we simply have to have a problem with ANY car that is put on the road in an unsafe condition. We can't change that, and we won't change that. To think any other way is irresponsible and reckless. So, if you choose to come on this forum and support cars that are on the edge styling-wise, but still constructed so that they can be operated on the streets safely, then there is no reason for you to leave. But, if you adopt the attitude of SOME rat rodders (not all, but some) that you don't give a d*** about what anyone else thinks, and you are going to do whatever you want, then yes, you will have a problem getting along with the others on here.

We love to gain members, and are not an exclusive club. We welcome anyone, male or female, who loves cars and wants to learn and teach others. We are not out to exclude anyone from membership here, but this is like any other group of people, some will fit in and some will not. That is just a fact of life. I, for one, hope you stay and contribute.
