Thread: question about a 30's rat rod
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10-25-2006 08:56 PM #38
Ok I'm going to try to explain why I no longer enter or even attend cars shows for that matter. A year or so ago when I lived up in the Dakota one of my cars at that time was a 32' coupe that was still in primer. Everything on it was for the most part top notch but because it was not all nice and shiny and still had a little body work left to be done, it was put down and called a pile of c@*p by certain people. A few months later I entered the same car only this time it was all straight and shiny. Nothing else different just some shiny paint. The very same guy who was putting this car down just a month earlier was now damn near crawling up my a$$ telling me how much he liked it.
It's these guys who look down their noses at anything that doesn't fit thier little narrow view of what a car should look like that has completely turned me away from sharing anything I have built or will build. From my experence I have never had a rat rodder give me an attitude. It has only come from the so called street rodders with their $100k billet barges. It almost makes me ashamed that I have a nice car. Guess that's why I favor my primered, unsafe because it's not shiney, car or truck.
Just my .02, take or leave it.
I wore a camouflage T-shirt once. The response in the pub was "Oooh, it's a floating head!" .
the Official CHR joke page duel