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Thread: 17 hour build

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  1. #1
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    17 hour build


    Hey i know alot of you guys dont care about rat rods, but this is pretty impressive, these guys took all the parts with them and put together a car in 17 hours and then drove it back to washington state from las vegas, all in the parking lot at viva las vegas. The car is rough ,but you have to give them credit for such a feat
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  2. #2
    Matt167's Avatar
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    impressive, but it should have never been on the street. that little 120v linclion welder probably didn't get much penetration on any welds they did, not to mention, the car was not legal anyway
    You don't know what you've got til it's gone

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  3. #3
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    That modern alternator kinda sticks out like a sore thumb, doesn't it?

    Gone to Texas

  4. #4
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    I agree on the weld issue, but they claim they registered it before they left washington

  5. #5
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Just goes to prove how big a POS you can end up with when you don't take time to do things correctly.... Don't see anything impressive, or even interesting, in the car....
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  6. #6
    J. Robinson's Avatar
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    Most welding on a car is done in the 80 to 110 amp range which that little welder is fully capable of. The quality of the weld is more dependent on the operator than the machine...

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  7. #7
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Got any idea them clowns could of had a tig there, and the car would still be just as bad....
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  8. #8
    Matt167's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J. Robinson
    Most welding on a car is done in the 80 to 110 amp range which that little welder is fully capable of. The quality of the weld is more dependent on the operator than the machine...
    welding anything other than sheet metal get's sketchy with a 110v unit, they can weld at 80-100 but there best suited to 60-70 because of the duty cycle. That's a Handy Mig welder, which ain't bad, but thickest it's rated to weld is 1/8",

    edit, on further inspection, it is ither a flux wire or a arc welder. a 110 arc welder could do the welds nicely, but it's hard to get good arc welds
    You don't know what you've got til it's gone

    Matt's 1951 Chevy Fleetline- Driver

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  9. #9
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    Come on guys, the point was not meant to bash them. I posted this cause i thought the spirit of the whole thing was pretty cool. Think about how 4 guys gathered parts bussed it all the way to vegas , and built a car in the parking lot at a car show, and drove it home, IMO thats pretty hot rod, the time and planning involved takes alot, they could be sitting around the house playing games or worse getting high, but no they are out building cars at a car show! how many of you have done that in all your years as a hot rodder? no the car is not pretty ,but that took big balls to pull that off, not everybody has 30-40 guys in a well stocked garage, with all new parts like chip foose. They hardly pulled off the same feat in 7 days on monster garage, so stop bashing and congratulate them on giving it a shot!

  10. #10
    shawnlee28's Avatar
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    The welds are safe,they made it home
    Good effort and cool car ,it needs some finishing and some billet ,but other than that..........its probably built just as good as any car was during the 50s and 60s in some ones garage.I applaud the effort and the men!!!
    They could have got drunk and did meth like the rest of the crowd and been bad role models,instead they were good role models and built a ride ,no matter what its classification and they also never said ratrod or completed, 2 big pluses.
    Thats the kind of stories I would put in a magazine ,They may finish this car and get magazine coverage just because of where and how.These types of things make for good stories.
    The alternator does look funny though
    Anymore pics/were you there ?
    Its gunna take longer than u thought and its gunna cost more too(plan ahead!)

  11. #11
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Credit for what??? Hurrying through a project, hacking up a decent body? Sorry, I just don't see it. Too many of us put our heart and soul, lots of money and countless hours into our projects. Too have something like this on the road is an insult too all of us who take pride in our craft and pride in our fabricating abilities. This is nothing more or less then a slap in the face too what hot rodding is....

    The car has no symmetry, style, or central theme. The only thing even close to acceptable is the tires and wheels. I don't see any planning to it. To make sure you have all the parts you need and throw it together does not deserve praise...

    I refuse to pass out any kind of atta-boys to anyone who insults a way of life I have dedicated more then 40 years of my life too... The car mocks most Hot Rods that a lot of us have planned and slaved over to build. There is no glass at all in the car. The firewall has holes hacked in it to make the pedals fit, the mounting of the alternator looks like an afterthought, the front spring mount is a piece of channel iron, it doesn't appear that any of the front suspension pieces were taken apart and checked, let alone refurbished, the plug wires are hanging all over the place and will more then likely land on the exhaust, and a host of other things...

    Sorry, this car only makes me mad.....
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  12. #12
    shawnlee28's Avatar
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    I see your point and do not disagree,I am just saying they could have been up to alot worse ,better doing that than stealing parts off my car {they look like ruff fellas}
    I look at it this way,some goto nascar and sit in the parking lot and drink beer and have fun.Thats one crowd{good people I have been there with em}Then theres the ones who get the 5 thousand dollar air conditioned box seats and have fun{never been there},but both have fun and both are race car fans.
    Kinda like hotrods,some build riddler winners and some build demo derby cars,both love cars and both have fun.People see which catagory others fall into and this car is at the opposite side of the spectrum from your nice customs Dave.
    But ,thats like the guy in the 5 thousand dollar nascar box saying the people in the parking lot are not to be acknoledged as race fans.......
    Its gunna take longer than u thought and its gunna cost more too(plan ahead!)

  13. #13
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    no i was not there,funds made it imposible this year. There is pics all over the internet right now though, these guys are on another forum i frequent, so ive been watching the planning for 3 months now

  14. #14
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Nope, not a good comparison at all... They're both race fans, where they watch from doesn't matter. When the uninformed see that POS on the road, then that image is what they think of hot rodders, they think that is how all Hot Rods are built. A Hot Rod is a reflection of the charachter and personality of the bulder. All that car is is an insult to all Hot Rodders, past, present, and future... It doesn't matter if your build Hot Rods or houses. Fit, finish, and attention to detail is what separates the quality builds from all the others. Nowhere in that statement is there anything that says you have to be rich and spend a bunch of money on the process, only that you care about the quality of the build. I still believe in the old rules and standards. Any job worth doing is worth doing well....
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  15. #15
    bluestang67's Avatar
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    There ability has to be recognized but for rat rods im not a fan . They could most likely build a show winner which would blow someones out the door . They chose this entertainment build. For the welding I agree with Jim its the operator and his experience i'm very capable of taking my 110 and securing metal in a stress point . Maybe the cycle time is lower and you make make a multi pass but it would pass xray . Your filling a void making sure no impurities or air pockets are present , but i've pushed my 110 way over 100% of its cycle time in 10 years and a weld has never failed or the lincoln welder ..
    Last edited by bluestang67; 04-12-2007 at 10:31 PM.

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