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Thread: Rat rodder leaves the Dark Side

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  1. #31
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Rifle
    Oh, and the blonde got the heave-ho. Too bad it happened about 6 weeks later than it should have. She may have developed the talent, but, man, that attitude.

    On the other soap opera, Liz got cut from the crew. That sucked. She was a hard worker, great personality, and knew what she was doing. Looks like the head blonde beyotch couldn't handle it. Is Boyd just a little bit "whipped?"

    You mirror my thoughts exactly on both scores Jack. I was happy to see the drama queen left the Shine show, but a little PO'd that Liz got the axe because Boyd's wife didn't like her. Boyd has to have the lowest respect rating of any of the TV car builders, and although I never did have much respect for him it went down significantly last night. "Whipped" is a mild term to use when talking about his relationship with that witch.

    He really is a very wishy washy person anyway, if you look at the way he conducts business. The situation last night where they get into a total frenzie because some rich customer wants to hear his engine run is a perfect example. FOR GOD"S SAKE, YOU ARE BOYD CODDINGTON.........tell the guy the car will be ready when it's ready. If you can't accept that, take your business elsewhere. It isn't like you just got into this business yesterday and are sucking up to every customer just to make a name for yourself. Have some guts for once. Although he has made a few bucks from the show, it really has cast the entire operation in a very bad light IMO.

    The only reason I could stand to watch the show last night was because of the cars and the Tulsa references. Otherwise it would have been like "The Guiding Light."

    Last edited by Itoldyouso; 08-31-2007 at 08:01 AM.

  2. #32
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    I've actually gotten to like Hard Shine for a couple of reasons. First, the drama is much less than on the Boyd-O-Rama. Second, they really do some fine rides on-camera. Finally, I've really taken a shine to Shine. He's a top-notch craftsman, and seems to be a pretty reasonable guy. I'd like to meet the guy.
    Otherwise it would have been like "The Guiding Light."
    Oh, and I have to call BS on that. You shouldn't insult "The Guiding Light."

    Gone to Texas

  3. #33
    boxstr's Avatar
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    Looks like we know who runs the BC shop, and it isn't Duane.That womans ass has gotten as big as Boyds. She is going to look like his ex-wife in due time.
    I hope Liz moves on to Foose and makes it big. She deserves it.
    Shine, good riddance. That show was getting tedious to watch with that blonde on there.

  4. #34
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    I also had the same thoughts about Foose picking up Liz (well, not actually "picking her up", but you get the point. ) Boyd hates Chip anyway, so it would be perfect.

    Do you see one employee at Boyds shop that LOVES working there??? What a confused, stressful place to work. You couldn't pay me enough. On the other hand, look at the atmosphere at Foose' shop...........they all seem to respect him and like their jobs.


  5. #35
    Ken Thurm's Avatar
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    I wanted to hire Liz, but my wife said I have too many toys already.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Severson
    As for the California Kid car, I think it would look great in red!!!!
    TCK does look good in red....

    Dave Brisco
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  7. #37
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Rifle

    I've actually gotten to like Hard Shine .................
    Yeah, me too. It's hard to know how things really work there, the tone and particulars are controlled by the editor, a lot of "reality" winds up on the floor of the cutting room. But I find it interesting to watch Shine grappling with learning how to manage people. Those who've been in that position probably have a slightly different perspective on the dynamic of the show relationships. I agree with Craig's assessment, they probably carried the Sara drama one or two shows too long. But they also briefly showed how a cancer like her affects the rest of the team. Shine made the typical, young, inexperienced manager's mistake of thinking he had a white horse and could "save" her from herself. Almost never works. It's like alcoholism, she's going to have to hit bottom in order to recognize her own self destructive attitudes. Which is why I think Richie might well be the ultimate survivor. He could be blowing smoke, but it seems he's figured out his "old" lifestyle was a roadmap to loserville.
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  8. #38
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    Went over to the Boyd site, lots of nasty things being posted about blondy. Also found out liz has a website...http://www.milesspeed.com/

  9. #39
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    Outstanding student in Chassis Fabrication and High Performance Engines at Wyo-Tech. No wonder she didn't fit in at Boyds. She's WAY too qualified.

    Gone to Texas

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxstr
    Went over to the Boyd site, lots of nasty things being posted about blondy. Also found out liz has a website...http://www.milesspeed.com/

    Thanks for posting this info. I went over and gave them my 2 cents worth.


  11. #41
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I seriously doubt Boyd and Duane are as dumb as the TV script makes them out to be.... I can almost tolerate Shine's show, but Coddington's stuff is nothing more then an insult to hot rod builders everywhere!!!!
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  12. #42
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by dangeroustoy
    TCK does look good in red....

    Dave Brisco
    Yup, always thought black cars were terribly overrated anyway!!!! I've got a lousy eye for picking color, but most anything is better then plain old dismal black.....
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  13. #43
    Dan Stewart is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Not that I had much respect for Boyd to begin with, firing that young woman because of the sole fact that his wife didn't like her was just downright disgusting. Hopefully Liz will get in contact with Chip and learn from a true Master.

    I just got done watching the episode on my DVR and almost puked it pissed me off so much. I have three daughters and constantly tell them they can do anything. That's why I thought it was great to see Liz on the show. At first, I thought she would just be the "token chick" to try and boost ratings, but after seeing her work I knew she was a true rodder. And after seeing her website from the link above, I know this young lady will go far in the industry. Probably the "Danica Patrick" of hot rodding.

    Boyd sold his soul a long time ago, let's just hope Liz learned something from that experience (like how NOT to treat people).

  14. #44
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    Even though she was fired, that episode will bring nothing but good in the future for Liz. Even if she was in on the deal, it makes her look good.

    Gone to Texas

  15. #45
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    still mad at him for using the 50 caliber on the rare little mini bubble car the midgets were building. what a greaser, not in the good sense...

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