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Thread: my new project. THE 41

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  1. #46
    mrmustang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brianrupnow
    Bill--I don't get on here and knock people for race, colour, creed, or sexual preference. I don't even romp all over the rat rod crowd, which is my natural inclination to do. However, unsafe, poorly engineered, and prone to failure building has to be critiqued. Don is a gentleman, and critiqued it in a politically correct manner. I am not in a gentlemanly mood today, and ugly is ugly!!! Ban me, if you think that is the right thing to do.

    No need to ban you, it's one thing to question something you see in a respectful manner, it's another to have a gang mentality and have everyone jump on the band wagon just because someone else did it before you. Again, it's a matter of having respect for the person you are posting towards just as if they were standing right next to you and you were talking to him (or her) face to face. Instead you have people sitting at their computers and at times they lose that perspective. Put yourself in the shoes of the person that started this thread and ask yourself how you would feel with some of the not so constructive posts being aimed at your work.


    Bill S.
    Instead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.

  2. #47
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    I know what you are saying Bill, we are walking a fine line by saying something about another person's work. I realize that he is very proud of the car, just like we all are when we work on our projects, so raining on his parade is not going to be taken well, I'm sure.

    But, there is a big picture here, and I think it boils down to responsibility. We have a responsibility to not simply be cheer leaders for others work, but to try to help them make good decisions in their builds. As I mentioned earlier, I wrestled with " should I or should I not mention anything to him", but I finally had to ask myself how I would feel if I said nothing and he or someone else ends up injured or worse?

    I can't say in strong enough terms that his front end setup is dangerous as it is designed. Sometimes we need to give feedback that is not what the person wants to hear, but needs to hear. I hope he sees the suggestions we have made and responds to them.


  3. #48
    Don Dalton's Avatar
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    Thumbs down


    You are messing with our heads RIGHT???? The welds look like they are just tacked. O penetration,trouble lies ahead.As stated earlier back off and take a serious look.It's not worth the grief that lies ahead.
    Don D


  4. #49
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Hey, the dude posted the pics back in March and hasn't been here since.... Why keep flogging a dead horse????

    Hey Bill, could we please just put the kill on this one?????
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
    Carroll Shelby

    Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!

  5. #50
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    been wondering where Denny was

  6. #51
    paulo suica's Avatar
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    pick up ford 1940 brasil


    is very beutiful

  7. #52
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerry clayton
    been wondering where Denny was

    He'll be back tomorrow. So far he's up to 50 lashes, only 50 more to go.

    Attached Images

  8. #53
    Dago Red is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Ah hell, I've got self-control issues this morning.

    Denny did bring it on himself, he pushed the buttons of a moderator that was clearly irritated and didn't want to be irritated. I think that is as much about the moderator trying to make a point about messing with him as it was about behavior on this thread. "piss me off and I'll punish you". was his original post to the author that started the thread totally out of line, i don't think so. Man, you guys need to participate in an almost unmoderated forum (ACCURATERELOADING.COM for instance) to see what bad posts can look like.

    sometimes a response is totally inappropriate, or downright rude, sometimes it is just not pleasant to hear. Here is the deal though, when you ask for opinions you open yourself up. If you only want opinions from certain people, only ask those people, if you want only praise then make sure you ask people that will praise your work. However if you are really looking for honest input be ready to take it. I struggle with this myself, I'll ask somebody who's opinion I value for their input, and then not hear what I internally was thinking/hoping. but then I need to follow that advice, if after all I solicited it. otherwise I don't ask, (or ask somebody I know will tell me what I want to hear )

    If you want to put me on restriction too that's cool, heck, it'll probably be during one of the frequent down periods the site has. I miss a lot of action on here because I don't contribute to a whole bunch, ask some questions and do a lot of searching and reading but stay off things that I don't really need to know about, but I have seen before after a big down time once that a bunch of members wanted to contribute to the cost of running this place. while I'm banned (unless permanent) think about the ads all over the site, they're not there just for looks. And although they don't appear to be maximizing the ad space (rotate the adds man) they are selling ad space and if members click on them they are probably getting something, and then of course there is conversion, anyways, they're is some income to help with associate costs.

    sorry if I piss any of you off (including the guy running the place, not bagging on you for providing this and making a buck, just figure the down times are quite a lot compared to many forums I have and do participate in), just having my own "i don't give a rats a** day" and figure I'll say what I've been thinking sometimes. a lot of you have been great and given me excellent help and I greatly appreciate it. any of you ever come through Fresno you're welcome to come by for a cold beer or a jack and coke.

    Usually I read these after writing, think better of it and don't post, what the hell.

  9. #54
    gassersrule_196's Avatar
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    fresno hmm i know another hot rodder that lives up there.......

  10. #55
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Come on Red, quit holding back, tell us what you really think!


  11. #56
    stovens's Avatar
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    I have also sat back and watched this one, mostly for lack of experience to offer any help. I respect those of you who have helped me, and as a result, feel like I'm on a better track today. Red I hear you( I also may take you up on a beer as most of my Mom's family is from Fresno ever go to Renna's Meat Market - Italian Sausage, German Sausage and Tri-tip
    they have the best German sausage!)
    I get the intervention Bill S. was talking about, and can only guess Bill was having a bad day, or has been pushed in the past to the point of acting on something like this. There have been far worse threads uninhibited here.
    In the end, you guys are sort of an extended family, with family quirts, but common intersts, and post to be helpful to others. I hope the guy who started this thread, has read some of the warnings and rethought the front end build. For everyone thinking they'd like to do a project, but lack the experience, ask. Chime in. You'll be better off for it.
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  12. #57
    Dago Red is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Tango, sorry about that, you're totally right,

    original poster, I do like those headlights man, and the motor mounts that you are working up. on the motor mounts a nylon bushing is a good idea, if you have any custom trailer manufacturers in the area (like car haulers etc) they might have some scrap pieces you can use. I know one in my area that did work on our trailer a few years back uses a nylon material in their lift mechanisms.

    sorry I wasn't helpful before, I don't know that much about building cars.


  13. #58
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    I think we all get a little spoiled on this forum because of the gentle nature of it compared to some others. Rarely do you see a cross word exchanged between two members, so I guess when even the slightest hint of flaming happens everyone's radar goes up.

    I personally didn't think anything bad was said, but it isn't obviously my call. Even my comments to the car builder were not what I normally like to post as it is much more fun to say nice things to people than negative ones. However, I just felt obligated to try to have him rethink some of the aspects of the car.

    During my build sometimes someone would question some work I had done, and those comments were appreciated for what they were intended to be. No one was being unkind, just trying to offer a second pair of eyes to keep me from doing something wrong. I hope nitros nut comes back and reviews this thread and considers some of the suggestions that have been made. He seems like a super nice guy and I hope he understands what we were all trying to do.


  14. #59
    ford2custom's Avatar
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    I’m a relative new guy to this forum although I’ve been around cars all of my life. I have totally gotten to the point of checking this site every day and some days several times a day. When I saw the build of the 41 Chevy I really got into it because I have a 39 Chevy truck. I have never built a car from scratch; I’ve restored some fixed some but to a limited degree. I mostly bought what I wanted already finished, and they became my cars, sometimes just keeping them running and changing a few things here and there makes it your car even though people like to say who built it. I bought a trophy winner a 40 Chevy street rod. It had a straight axle with a rack and pinion added to it along with disc brakes up front a 12 bolt with drum brakes in the rear. The first car show was about 25 or 30 miles away. It felt well driving the car until I was on a back road and just about missed my right turn, I hit the brakes hard and tried to turn right, the steering wheel would not turn I kept going straight. When I got the car home I raised it up to see if I could find out what was going on. The steering rod was hitting the header while turning to the right.
    I called the guy that built the car, he was a parts manager at a Chevy dealership and some of the guys working there help him with the car. I told him what had happened and he said oh yell that happened to me the rod was hitting the header. I could see then that he had tried to put a dimple in the tube it was hitting so I put a socket on the spot and gave it a good hit. That seemed to help until I my wife and daughter were going through Columbus, Ohio at the street rod nationals. I was going over a bridge that had a pretty good pitch for water run off and at the same time the bridge was curved. I hit a slight raised steel expansion joint and lost control of the steering, I thought I was going to roll the car as it was rocking from one side, to the other and I could do nothing but hang on. The rod still hit the header so I gave it another good hit by now I did care what the header looked like it was about control.

    This is a good site with people that are willing to share their knowledge, and pictures do not hide what some people with that knowledge can spot. I would not take offense if someone said I was doing something wrong. I would thank that person for telling me something that could ovoid what I went through. Luckily no one got hurt but the builder should have told me about the steering.

    We are just a bunch of good car people here and it’s sometimes how you tell a person that he is making a mistake. If it’s not told the next guy my think he can copy what he thinks is ok and end up in trouble.

    The guy has to have been around cars to get as far he did with his build. I think most would agree that his truck looks good, and with the frame being strengthen, and go with what has been tried and proven to be a safe for the front end for him to keep building. Being an Iron Worker myself I believe in the over kill, living in the country I rig up hoist on the back of a truck to pick up heavy logs. I would rather go the extra distance then have some one get hurt.

    Bottom line give it another thought put a heavy axle under the frame and get it built, you sound like a young guy, you have a lot of time to try new things just stay with the proven methods for safety.

    Last edited by ford2custom; 05-13-2008 at 04:29 PM.

  15. #60
    woodman's Avatar
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    The front motor mounts are sweet.

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