Thread: 1951 Ford F1 Rat Rod Truck
10-08-2009 08:34 PM #46
I took these today in Moriority, NM while my truck was being photographed for New Mexico Rods and Rides Magazine. Frontier Saloon on Route 66.
Last edited by dmw56; 10-09-2009 at 03:20 AM.
Livin' on Route 66
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10-08-2009 08:35 PM #47
A couple more.
Livin' on Route 66
10-08-2009 08:38 PM #48
That's toooo coolKen Thomas
NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
The simplest road is usually the last one sought
Wild Willie & AA/FA's The greatest show in drag racing
10-09-2009 01:16 AM #49
very cool setting, completely perfect to set off your RPU!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
10-30-2009 08:04 PM #50
fordtocustom here's the build thread.
Also:' on Route 66
11-19-2009 04:56 PM #51
New Mexico Rods and Rides Magazine photo layout.
Livin' on Route 66
11-19-2009 06:52 PM #52
Great job of detailing the chop process. It will be useful when I attempt the chop of the 35. You obviously had to add the same amount of filler to the top of the door frame to equal the gap you had in the roof, correct? Did you use a piece of the material that you cut off the door frame? That all has to be done to keep the winshield posts on the same angle, right? I hope you understand what I am asking.
11-19-2009 07:26 PM #53
Yes the piece I cut out of the door in the front was welded back in the top of the door frame to lengthen it.
You can also tilt the "A" pillar of the cab back and the "A' pillar of the roof foreward so you won't have to splice a piece in the roof. You will need to do the same with the doors. It will give it a more aggressive look.Livin' on Route 66
11-19-2009 07:42 PM #54
11-30-2009 04:37 PM #55
very nice dmw!only dead fish go with the flow
11-30-2009 05:49 PM #56
I relaly like this! we are building an F1 right now, and damnit I already cut the sides of the bed for the tubs, but like the way it looks open.
does anybody know what the rule is in California for running them without fenders? (sorry to hijack). thanks.
11-30-2009 06:33 PM #57
I see plenty of rods in CA without fenders. My bro in law has a fenderless 29 A and his neighbor has a fenderless RPU.Livin' on Route 66
11-30-2009 06:35 PM #58
12-01-2009 04:37 PM #59
Don as my grdson would say; Totally awesome pawpaw.....70-71 Vietnam Vet, 1959 born again child of God
12-01-2009 05:37 PM #60
Thanks Guys.
A buddy forwarded me this.
It's my truck is in a youtube video. Look at 0:58 and 1:09' on Route 66
Stole from FB...
the Official CHR joke page duel