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Thread: Zoomies on the road Florida?

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  1. #16
    Jetstang's Avatar
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    I have lived in inspection states, and am glad to be living in Florida. I have never fixed an inop horn or bad cat, never worried about passing a smog test. I know how it is in other states and truelly appreciate living here, plus the weather. I DD a 90 454 SS with headers, carb, and HEI dist. I thought there may be issues, but, knock on wood, have never been pulled over even for a look. I love FL and all you inspection states can leave us alone. There are tons of Harleys with drag pipes, yep there annoying, but thats the sound of freedom. Trucks with way too big tires and lifts, supercharged rods, and all that is true hotrodding running around without issue, gotta love it!!
    Oh, I'm from Wisconsin, 3" out of the hood is all that's legal, plus minimal tint, plus tires can't extend out of the wheel wells...

  2. #17
    jeffrey leonard's Avatar
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    I was running around today passed a few cops got a thumbs up and no tickets knock on wood. The baffles havent came in yet but ill sure be happy when they do, i hate having to idle around everywhere.
    Ill take rust any day over that itchy ass fiberglass!
    Pride is built, not bought !!

  3. #18
    nj_gator is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Just read thread on zoomies. Had a problem reg.my mod A to get historical plates. Why fight the DMV. so I spent 800.00 on a custom set of Sandersons & put my zoomies up 4 sale.

  4. #19
    CR55's Avatar
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    No matter what you do somebody won't like it! So do whatever it is that you want. You get a ticket, you pay the fine. You don't want tickets you go with a quiet exhaust. Me, I'm for the zoomies! Been riding Harley's all my life, some with dragpipes, some without. My feelings are some people will not like you just because you're in a hot rod or (gasp!) worse yet, a Rat Rod! Who cares!.....Just my 2cents worth..........CR
    I thought I knew a lot, until I had teenagers!

  5. #20
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I still believe that it's time everyone took a bit of time to consider what our actions as Hot Rodders do.... Are we helping to preserve the sport for years and generations to come, our are we providing ammo to those who would chose to mandate Hot Rods into extinction??????

    I'm all for good old self-expression too.....But not if it turns into something that could jeopardize Hot Rodding for the future.......
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  6. #21
    DA34GUY's Avatar
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    Only LOUD, when yer on the LOUD pedal !!
    No muffs or baffles, 4000 miles and nuthin but
    thumbs up for the man in blue.
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    When I get to where I was goin, I forgot why I went there>

  7. #22
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Severson View Post
    I still believe that it's time everyone took a bit of time to consider what our actions as Hot Rodders do.... Are we helping to preserve the sport for years and generations to come, our are we providing ammo to those who would chose to mandate Hot Rods into extinction??????

    I'm all for good old self-expression too.....But not if it turns into something that could jeopardize Hot Rodding for the future.......
    F*** Them.... they will not like hot rods or hot rodders they will not like your car for the color it may not fit in or your wheels or your tires or engine .just maybe you hair to long .not the right shoes .shirt.or the way you think ...etc .extinction is comming .live it up till then
    Last edited by mrmustang; 11-10-2009 at 05:45 PM.
    Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip

  8. #23
    CR55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pat mccarthy View Post
    F*** Them.... they will not like hot rods or hot rodders they will not like your car for the color it may not fit in or your wheels or your tires or engine .just maybe you hair to long .not the right shoes .shirt.or the way you think ...etc .extinction is comming .live it up till then

    I have to agree, always will be someone who doesn't like something about your car. You can't please everyone, so why bother at all!.......CR
    Last edited by mrmustang; 11-10-2009 at 05:45 PM.
    I thought I knew a lot, until I had teenagers!

  9. #24
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by CR55 View Post
    I have to agree, always will be someone who doesn't like something about your car. You can't please everyone, so why bother at all!.......CR
    Ok fine.....I'm gonna be loud and to heck with everybody else, right?????

    \Do as you please, I guess...
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  10. #25
    CR55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Severson View Post
    Ok fine.....I'm gonna be loud and to heck with everybody else, right?????

    \Do as you please, I guess...
    I have as much respect for the next guy as anyone, maybe more! I'm not trying to step on any toes here. This is just my opinion. Do you really think you can stop all of the noise makers in the world? I don't purposely try to antagonize anyone by making noise. I'm just here to have a little fun.....Lighten up a bit!........CR
    I thought I knew a lot, until I had teenagers!

  11. #26
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by CR55 View Post
    I have as much respect for the next guy as anyone, maybe more! I'm not trying to step on any toes here. This is just my opinion. Do you really think you can stop all of the noise makers in the world? I don't purposely try to antagonize anyone by making noise. I'm just here to have a little fun.....Lighten up a bit!........CR
    Nope... The only car I can do anything about the sound level of is my own........ My only point is I don't want to be one the "bad examples" the tree huggers and do gooders use when they get on their next campain to get us thrown off the streets. What you do with your car is entirely up to you....
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
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  12. #27
    34_40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CR55 View Post
    No matter what you do somebody won't like it! So do whatever it is that you want. You get a ticket, you pay the fine. You don't want tickets you go with a quiet exhaust. Me, I'm for the zoomies! Been riding Harley's all my life, some with dragpipes, some without. My feelings are some people will not like you just because you're in a hot rod or (gasp!) worse yet, a Rat Rod! Who cares!.....Just my 2cents worth..........CR
    I live on a very busy street and when you guys on the Vtwins go by I literally can't even hear my TV ! So I call up my councillor who calls the Police Chief who calls the lazy officer to start handing out tickets. Sometimes I'd like to string up a cable across the road. Why do you feel you have some right to invade my space with your noise?

    Believe me I love a cool sounding exhaust! And the right mufflers provide that, straight pipes only raise my blood pressure!

    Our freedoms and civil liberties do not allow you and yours to trample me and mine! I have rights too!

  13. #28
    shine's Avatar
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    sometimes your the windshield.................... sometimes your the bug .

    don't sweat the small stuff. the big stuff will keep you busy. no opinion on noise. i've been guilty of creating it and complaining about it . but open zoomies is just not an option where i live. i like the sound of the engine and it's tune , not loud tinny stuff.

  14. #29
    jeffrey leonard's Avatar
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    got my baffles and i have to say im in love with them installed. its quieter than my yukon with headers and glasspacks heres some pics installed

    The baffles are off of ebay they are made for a harley 1 3/4 tube exhaust these baffles are the 12 inch ones
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    Ill take rust any day over that itchy ass fiberglass!
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  15. #30
    jeffrey leonard's Avatar
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    heres a link to the ones i got off of ebay

    Ill take rust any day over that itchy ass fiberglass!
    Pride is built, not bought !!

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