Thread: Zoomies on the road Florida?
11-04-2009 06:11 PM #1
Zoomies on the road Florida?
So since the Sema Street-rod / custom vehicle bill was passed, even though i havent found a cop that knows what it is. Can i get away with baffled zoomies on the road?Ill take rust any day over that itchy ass fiberglass!
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11-04-2009 06:47 PM #2
Why would you want to?????Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
11-04-2009 07:00 PM #3
If you heard the headers on my Son's T bucket you wouldn't worry.He is running open Limefires with no baffles and drives all over the place with no problems. My T is also pretty loud, even though baffles are in the Limefires, and cops pass me all the time. Most of it depends on how you are driving. If you are obeying the speed limit and not racing from redlight to redlight, they realize you are just a car enthusiast (as many of them are) and they leave you alone.
My other Son's RPU is getting close to being drivable, and it isn't exactly quiet either, even with baffles in it. Is yours quieter than this one?
or this one............
You'll be fine.
11-04-2009 07:07 PM #4
Yup, it'll be great!!!!! The uniformed will see it as just another Hot Rod with loud exhaust, and everybody with a Hot Rod will be looked down on as "One of them noisy dang Hot Rods"....
Heck, I don't care what you do, you're in Florida.......... But I've already lived through the era when the general public hated hot rods, and the cops were forced to make life miserable for all of us because of the actions of a few...... I don't want to go back to wasn't fun!!!
and, what about the next generation of Hot Rodders who will be forced to comply with the laws the unknowing public insists on to attempt to ban Hot Rods as we know them????????
A bit of consideration for those who don't like loud cars can save us all a lot of grief later........Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
11-04-2009 07:27 PM #5
No Dave, it's a different climate now. Some of my friends are cops who own hot rods. I've even attended car shows that were sponsored by the police for various fund raisers. If you go to any event like Daytona 50% of the cars there are on the edge of being "legal", but the cops realize we have a ton of money tied up in our rods and they are probably safer than a lot of the daily drivers on the road.
Just last Saturday night I had nothing going on so I cruised down to Naples for a little cruise in they hold there, and I probably passed and was passed by 10 cops who didn't blink twice. I've even had them pull up along side and give me compliments or ask where the show is. Florida is very cool on this stuff, they have bigger fish to fry with crime and serious traffic violations so they rarely bother us. I drove my 27 almost daily for 7 years and was never stopped once.
We are far removed from the hooligans in the B movies, and the police realize it. Oh, and you should hear some of the Harleys running around down here!
11-04-2009 07:31 PM #6
Gotta love it just because im younger you already stereo typed me into a idiotic child, iv had many vehicles with no mufflers and always drove sensible. Im not much of a tire burner or show off, i just love to hear the raw sound of the engine. iv built the zoomies and have 8 Harley bafflles comingIll take rust any day over that itchy ass fiberglass!
Pride is built, not bought !!
11-04-2009 07:37 PM #7
Never called you any such thing jeffrey.... Just speaking from a been there, done that place.... It's not a bit of fun when the cops start stopping everything that looks like a Hot Rod and stand there with there little meter to measure how loud it is, then have your car impounded when it exceeds that level.... I know it's not that way now, but think of all the people who DON'T like loud exhaust when they start making very loud noises to the police, state legislators, etc. etc.....
But hey, I'm just an old idiot.......Enjoy it while you can...................I don't know anything about it, right?>???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
11-04-2009 07:41 PM #8
Im easily annoyed so if its too loud ill throw the ti-ys back on it and some glass packs.
Wasnt calling you an idiot either. Was simply asking if it was legal with the law changes.Ill take rust any day over that itchy ass fiberglass!
Pride is built, not bought !!
11-05-2009 08:12 AM #9
Middle of the summer we went thru the tail of the dragon road---318 curves/11 miles---thousands of Bikes----most of them quiet----seems like the big numbers of bikers really don't want to ride with the LOUD guys---
long time ago, I used to run Allis-Chalmers mufflers on my cars, pretty loud---focused attention on me enogh that I couldn't get away with occasional display of horsepower---put quieter mufflers on it and then could not only display horsepower but I could even sneak my girl back home late without getting caught----
11-05-2009 08:58 AM #10
Licensing and operating any vehicle, Hot Rods included, is a privilege, not a right.... When cars with open headers and bogus little baffles in there zoomise run up and down the highway, the general public notices them and many consider loud cars to be offensive.... With enough aggravation, they will bring pressure to bear on state and federal legislators to have our privileges revoked.....
The tree huggers and do gooders already hate us and will do everything they can to legislate us out of existence in order to save us from ourselvesand get us all driving nice little respectable hybeds and electric cars.... Cops don't care!!! They only enforce the laws they are pressured to enforce!!! Why do some choose to continuall supply the anti-Hot Rod crowd with the ammo they need to shoot us down??????
Don't think it can happen???? Ask some of the snowmobilers and atv riders how many public areas have been restricted!!!! Ask them about the "noise police" with their little meters who inspect every vehicle BEFORE it hits the trails.... If you think it can never happen where you live, you're just kidding yourself!!!! Good friend of mine, fellow Hot Rodder, and all around gear head also happens to be about 4th man down in the Highway Patrol here....even in the boonies of South Dakota the pressure is being brought on lawmakers to do things to make our lives as Hot Rodders miserable..... Its just a matter of time until that attention is brought to bear on Hot Rods operating on a public highway..... When and if it happens, keep telling the cop about your "right" to operate a vehicle with loud and obnoxious pipes when he's either pulling your tags and registration or loading your car on the roll back to have it impounded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS--- Got my first Harley in 1966, sold my last one two years ago....none of them had open pipes and they all ran great!!!! Next time a couple loud bikes, loud Hot Rods, or loud anything go by, take time to LISTEN to what people say about them.....they consider the noise to be offensive...eventually either we quiet our rides down, or we lose the right to operate them on a public highway!!!! Wake up and smell the coffee people!!!!!!!!! We are the minority and a lot of people want to make our Hot Rods extinct!!!! If we don't police ourselves a bit, then others will do it for us!!!! Oh yeah, keep telling yourself it will never happen in __________ (insert name of your state)..... I hope it doesn't, but many of us can see the writing on the wall....the times are a changing!!!!!Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
11-05-2009 09:52 AM #11
yep that sounds great dave but i not taking my 4 inch off my cars to run 2 1/4 out the back . if it comes down to getting nail then so be it.. just as long as the clowns with the fart cans and boom box cars and all the bikes with drag pipes are getting nail too .i am not bad at idle or off it .i am not like them kids were your in the house hearing there music as there car is in the drive way.they catch me the last thing i goiing to worry about it the EXLast edited by pat mccarthy; 11-05-2009 at 10:07 AM.
Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip
11-05-2009 06:12 PM #12
I went thru the same crap when I put a R/C plane I built in a show, I had 64cc gas motor in it! Your going to be to loud and get the neighbors to complain! What neighbors, we're 1 1/2 from the nearest house!, Besides NO one here has heard it run! I built my own muffler and you can't say you're heard one like it!
Then I took it to the flying field to fly it a week later..............Can you make me a muffler like that, it's quiet!!!!!!!!!!!!
He said that he was going to put baffles in his Zoomies! you have to hear them Before you can bitch about them being loud! And he said he would take them off if they were to loud.
I'm going to run them on my car also, you might as well say mine are to loud also, put us all into the same boat, before hearing them.
I do own a sound meter to check sound db's
I have had more race tracks close on us, because of being to loud for the area, so I guess you promote track closing, cause you race with open exhaust!
Jerry, if you went to the dragon and most the bikes were quiet, then you got the few days it was. My inlaws live near the top of the dragon and they see the groups of bikes going there all the time! We know of many people that go there, and we've been there ourselfs, and they are'nt for the most part quiet.
Anyone can cut one up, but! only some can put it back together looking cool!
Steel is real, anyone can get a glass one.
Pro Street Full Fendered '27 Ford T Coupe -392 Hemi with Electornic Hilborn injection
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11-05-2009 07:47 PM #13
Sexy legs Don....joe
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11-06-2009 02:55 AM #14
11-06-2009 05:38 AM #15
Great to see your new post, Mike, and great to see CHR up and running again after several days of the Hmmm, can't reach this page.... Also good that you found an easy solution to your storage/access...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI