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Thread: 33 dodge 4 dr into 2 dr project

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  1. #16
    skull's Avatar
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    Lightbulb dwarf car street legal


    Quote Originally Posted by moparjack44 View Post
    WOW !! Now that is thinking outside the box .
    ya that is my dwarf car made into my street car, have a few more things to finish b4 l can drive it. the car is titled in washington as a 1931 chevy coupe.. l take it to shows and let the kids sit inside, parent's think it's a blast and the camera's are a flashin'!

    the 33 dodge--- l found a cirlce track frame/chassis/ all in one with a full roll cage and suspension that l want to set the 33 body on, make it like the car in my avitar.so it looks like a old looking jalopy race car, paint it bright red and put a sponser and numbers on it and drive the heck outta her. it'll 100% street legal, titled and licensed. no fenders, just a hood and grill.
    l will have to cut and modify the chassis but, l can get it a lot cheaper than building one, the mods to it are not that many to make it fit since l am cutting the body l can make it fit the 95'' wheel base. gotta love customizing things.

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    Last edited by skull; 12-24-2009 at 09:44 AM.
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  2. #17
    moparjack44's Avatar
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    You gonna take a 4 door, and cut it down into a coupe race car ? That sounds like a helluva project. Are you young enough to start a project that big ?
    I saw a 34 Chrysler 4 door couple of years ago that was made into a sedan delivery. They used a PT Cruiser door for the rear. The car was beautiful, and the guy said he and his son did all the work in there home garage, including the painting. He said they did it all except the upholstery. Wish I had a picture to post for you.
    PS..I envy your vision and obvious talent.

    Last edited by moparjack44; 12-18-2009 at 06:17 AM.

  3. #18
    skull's Avatar
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    Talking update on 33 dodge


    l went out today and worked on the doors. pretty nice day around the northwest, this afternoon was almost 55 degrees, good workin' when it ain't raining. NO RAIN TODAY YAAAA. raining to nite though.
    got the back doors off and the front ones to open. that was a pain in the neck trying to get the front's open. l don't think they been opened in 20 yrs.
    had to pry the door latches back with a long sharp crow bar while pushing on the inside of the door. the hinges and door latches l put a ton of spray lube on so l would not destroy them. CREEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAKYYYYYYY hinges, but they opened. found the rubber door stoppers were still in place and lots of broken glass as l was cleaning out the front door/window jams.
    the door jams are not to bad. l figured they'ed be totally rotted out, however they are quite usable.

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    Last edited by skull; 12-24-2009 at 09:34 AM.
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  4. #19
    Jack F's Avatar
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    That is going to be a nice project. Are you on the wet side of the Olympics or Cascades? From the look of all that "wet" I'm guessing Olympics.


  5. #20
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    Angry update on 33 dodge


    the race car chassis deal fell apart, dude changed his mind after all and is wanting more than l am willing to spend.. BUT, neverfear as l have a back up
    plan..l was going to build a topless 1929 ford roadster. the frame from it is brand new and since my health won't really let me drive in a open air car, the chassis is going under the 33 dodge. still planning on the race car/60's jalopy look. my friend said he is willing to help me put in a roll cage and a front engine cage to "get the period correct vibe" as he put it.

    the chassis is a shell valley 2X4 channel. l will be running the chevy 327 and 700r4 and this chassis has a 9'' ford shortend to fit a 4 link and pan hard bar. I F S with tube style A arms and a rack and pinion steering set up. QA1 coil over shocks and a 32 ford grille.

    l will post more pics as it gets closer to being done. the chop pics is the next ones l will post.

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  6. #21
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    red 1933 dogde


    was out lookin at the dodge today and the kids ashed if they could help. so l told my nieces, sure, l handed a can of fire engine red and painted everything below the body line, well, it's red

    mocked up the wheels l plan one runing.

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    Last edited by skull; 12-24-2009 at 11:33 AM.
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  7. #22
    moparjack44's Avatar
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    Can someone who is good with 'puter, make this thread so it will fit the average 'puter screen. As it is now, I don't think would fit my TV screen

  8. #23
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    Thumbs up wheelbase and windows


    measured the frame with all the parts and it will have a 99'' wheelbase.
    thats plus or minus 1'' of adustability of the rear hiem joints.

    rear quarter windows and back window are 1/4'' clear plexi-glass. they will be siliconed and screwed in place so they won't roll down or leak and won,t whistle. had that problem on other cars and l want to avoid that on this car.

    called around today and a laminated saftey glass windshield is about $70.00 for a lightly tinted piece of glass cut to fit. l need the goop around the window to seal it, but l can put it in with help of friends,

    a nice guy photoshopped this pic. it's how it should look when finished execpt for the red paintjob .

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  9. #24
    moparjack44's Avatar
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    Looking good.

  10. #25
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    cutting a door


    the door is getting the inside is cut out so we can piece gap left when the body is shortend. after the body is welded, we will put custom door skins on the inside so door panels can be installed.

    thinking black tuck & roll on front door panels and on the sides in the back all the way to the back window.

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  11. #26
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    got the suspension on the frame today and sat on the body to figure excatly where to cut it down to fit.

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  12. #27
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  13. #28
    skull's Avatar
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    ]more pics of mock up to get ready to cut the body
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  14. #29
    moparjack44's Avatar
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    Wiring looks good. I would not replace, just use what you got .


  15. #30
    laughing Jack's Avatar
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    my project


    Here is the four door conversion I'm doing on my Model A. I'm in the process of removing all the wood and replacing with a metal skeleton. Then I will build a frame jeg and start on the frame. I joined the front and back doors adding 10" to the rear. channeled three inches and chopped three :untitled.JPG

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