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Thread: Rat rod debate

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  1. #61
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    Here's my definition of a Rat Rod.

    Livin' on Route 66

  2. #62
    lotsatoys's Avatar
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    From conversation on another forum. I think I'll make it a T shirt.
    ""Rat Rods" are a fad that cannot go away fast enough for me....That does not make me right,it makes me different. "

    Last edited by lotsatoys; 12-11-2010 at 04:03 PM.

  3. #63
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    it's not the cars that i dont like . it's the punk with the attitude driving it. this thread is a perfect example. it's always the same.
    as for the rup's that you mention keep in mind they earned every dollar spent on their car. it's jealousy pure and simple. i build trailer queens for a living and have met some of the nicest people doing it. they dont stand around trashing someone else because of their success in life. nor do they intentionally build something butt ugly . i'm 60 and have been around hotrods all my life and can assure you i never saw anyone use a pos tractor seat in their hotrod. i too will be glad when the rat rods are gone along with the people in them.

  4. #64
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    And the debate goes on and on!
    I thought I knew a lot, until I had teenagers!

  5. #65
    53 Willys's Avatar
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    I like Rat rods, Hot rods, Street Rods, Low Riders, Customs, 4X4s, Race cars, Sports cars, and others ....It's some of the owners that I can do without.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by 53 Willys View Post
    I like Rat rods, Hot rods, Street Rods, Low Riders, Customs, 4X4s, Race cars, Sports cars, and others ....It's some of the owners that I can do without.
    Exactly! It's like the debate over whether guns kill or people kill; some owners are just "Jerks." The type of car they drive isn't the problem.
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  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by RestoRod View Post
    Exactly! It's like the debate over whether guns kill or people kill; some owners are just "Jerks." The type of car they drive isn't the problem.
    I disagree. an unsafe car will eventually affect us all when regulation sets in becasue of them. a jerk car owner can be avoided, and unsafe car can't (forever).


  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by lotsatoys View Post
    I disagree. an unsafe car will eventually affect us all when regulation sets in becasue of them. a jerk car owner can be avoided, and unsafe car can't (forever).

    If the car is unsafe and being operated it ain't the cars fault ,it most likely has a Jerk for a owner somewhere

  9. #69
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    The problem with some rat rods are the builders. Some of the builders are on their first build and think by building a rat rod they can do it cheaply and use anything they want on it. They have very little skill and in reality they have no business building anything.

    There are plenty of rat rods built with safety in mind. But the problem is that the unsafe ones are the ones that stick out and people remember. Mine is built with a professionally built frame all new suspension and brake components, no gimicky parts that don't belong on a car, well except the hand grenade shift knob. Basically its a T-bucket with a chopped and channeled 51 Ford cab on it.
    Livin' on Route 66

  10. #70
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    And a darn good lookin one too!...CR
    I thought I knew a lot, until I had teenagers!

  11. #71
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    lots of bias BS in here I own both a muscle car and a rat rod
    I also built and own a wold challenge race car
    I built my rat with safety in mind
    so I dont know where the money thing come in I could pretty much have what I want
    and I want RAT ROD I think they are cool

  12. #72
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  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by lotsatoys View Post
    I disagree. an unsafe car will eventually affect us all when regulation sets in becasue of them. a jerk car owner can be avoided, and unsafe car can't (forever).

    No argument here on unsafe cars. Unfortunately, rat rods do not hold a monopoly on lack of safety (althought there certainly have been some notably unsafe examples.) A poorly maintained stocker can be just as unsafe, and many rats (dmw56's is a prime example) can be as safe as any other rod regardless of the $$$$spent on it.
    I was referring more to Shine's comment on the mentality and attitude of some of the drivers. Those same attitudes occur in any automotive genre .... most people are great; unfortunately a few are jerks.
    Remember, Freedom isn't Free, thousands have paid the price so you can enjoy what you have today.

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  14. #74
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    I just don't understand the mindset that these guys have - proud of bad welds, pop-riveted body panels, extensive rust - to included actual cancer/perforations, poor suspension design and installation, and worse. And please...cobwebs, multiple skulls, Maltese crosses - all over done. If you don't want to build a hot rod...fine...just don't wave at me when we're passing each other on the street.


  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by propwash View Post
    I just don't understand the mindset that these guys have - proud of bad welds, pop-riveted body panels, extensive rust - to included actual cancer/perforations, poor suspension design and installation, and worse. And please...cobwebs, multiple skulls, Maltese crosses - all over done. If you don't want to build a hot rod...fine...just don't wave at me when we're passing each other on the street.

    LOL this a i funny debate you could go on any tuner web site and get the same debate Rice versus domestic turbo versus nitrous the bottom line we all love car and we build them to our liking someone will love my car someone will hate it but if the guy or gal is out there doing it my hats off to them
    and Ill give any hot rodder or rat rodder a thumbs up

    back in 2005 i was hoping up a srt4 and guys would mock it but that little car runs low 11's at the track and it looks stock and can be driven everyday and pass emissions

    my rat will be low loud and fun

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