Thread: T-bucket chassis plans
02-06-2005 11:55 AM #1
T-bucket chassis plans
I'm looking for a set of plans to build my first T-bucket on a
budget. I hope to plan as much as I can and get as good of advice
from all you guys who've "been there, done that" as possible so as to
keep mistakes and expences to a minimum.
Does anyone have a set of plans they'd like to share with the rest of
Has anyone purchased or seen more than one set of plans and have any
advice about which is better? What is it about your favorite plans
that makes them your favorite?
Does anyone know of a source for purchasing my own plans? (Getting
them free from you would be cheaper but any tips are welcome!)
Also, I am thinking about building my t-bucket to resemble a front
engine dragster (FED) from the late '50's or early '60's. Anyone
have chassis plans for a FED? Know where I can buy an old FED
chassis cheap?
My pug dog thanks you in advance. Rosie's really growing impatient to
hang her tounge in the breeze.
- Google Adsense
02-06-2005 12:06 PM #2
Here ya go downloadable for $20 or split into smaller sections for $2.95 ea in the mirror are losing
02-06-2005 12:22 PM #3
I think there are already threads on this topic; use the search option at the top of the page. The last time this topic came up I searchd for a set of plans I knew I had from Petersen's HOT ROD Year Book No. 13 but could not find them. Since that time I have found them and will send a copy of the 32 page manuscript to you if you send me your surface mail address. However you should check out the site by Spirit Industries, they offer a very simple low cost kit for T-rods. Then there is TCI and of course Total Performance as advertised on this page. In addition Speedway has some kits or at least partial kits. I have not built a T but I am in the process of building a '29 roadster from available parts so I think I can make a few comments. It will probably be more complicated than you think when you get into the details so you should take a good hard look at the kits from Total Performance and Spirit Industries. I nearly bought into the kit from Spirit Industries because it looks to be the simplest to me, but my sinus condition argues against a totally open car and I selected a Model-A roadster so I could have a more enclosed top. Good Luck.
Don Shillady
Retired Scientist/teen rodder
Stole from FB...
the Official CHR joke page duel